Physical Education
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University cherishes and supports the pursuit of excellence in sports to enhance capacity sports milieu. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University recognizes physical activity and sports as integral parts of curriculum for first and second year UG Students to increase awareness among students about the significant benefits of physical activity and the practice of sports.
TNAU has been active in sports promotion since its inception because it recognizes sports as a powerful means of enhancing students’ society’s health and well-being.
The students are being sent to various sports tournaments sponsored by AIU (Association Indian Universities), TNAU Intercollegiate tournaments and State and National level tournaments organized by various sports organizations and Educational Institutes.
Multi Purpose play ground is available for various sports and games including track events. In addition the centre has fitness centre and state of art swimming pool.
The following facilities are available at TNAU
- Multi Purpose play ground
- Basket ball court
- Volley ball court
- Kabaddi court
- Ball Bad mustion court
- Cricket Net Practice
- Fitness Centre
- Swimming pool
- Indoor Stadium
- Tennis court
- Cricket Field
- Track & Field