Department of Soil Science Ongoing Schemes

S.No. Scientist in charge /
Principal investigator
Title of the Subproject Duration Remarks
1. Dr.P.P.Mahendran

Professor (SS&AC)

NRM/MDU/SAC/RIC/2017/001Optimization of silicon requirement for enhancing growth and yield of rice in the intensively rice grown soils of PeriyarVaigai Command area of Madurai district Jan. 2017 – Dec. 2019 initiated
2. Dr.G.Sridevi

Assistant Professor (SS&AC)

NRM/MDU/SAC/VEG/2016/001Effect of different EC level of irrigation water on the yield and quality of tomato Apr. 2016 – Mar.2019 ongoing
3. Dr.G.Balasubramanian

Professor (ENS)

NRM/MDU/ENS/2014/001Assessment of Heavy metal contamination in Periyar – Vaigai river basin of Madurai District 01.10.2014 –30.09.2017 ongoing
4. Dr.S.Thiyageshwari SAC – MDU-S&E-14-001Assessment of Phosphorus Utilization and Response of Red Gram cultivars to P in Alkaline Calcareous soils of Madurai district Mar.2014- Feb 2017 Based on the proceedings, may be continued to take up field trial
5. Dr. P.Saravanapandian

Professor (SS&AC)

NRM / MDU / SAC / RIC/1975/001PermanentManurial Experiment on Rice 2015 Ongoing
6 Dr. K. Senthil

Asst. Professor (Agrl. Chemicals)

NRM/MDU/AGC/2018/ R 001“Development of Dry (D) Formulation from Botanicals for Insect Pest Management in rice”


CPBG/MDU/PBG/SOR/2019/R001Evaluation of high yielding Red Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)  Varieties suitable for industrial utilities







7 Dr. P Kannan

Asst. Professor (SS&AC)

NRM/CBE/SAC/GGR/2019/001Multi nutrient foliar fertilization for irrigated green gram

NRM/CBE/SAC/BGR/2019/001Evaluation of N potential of prominent Black gram varieties of TNAU

DCM/CBE/AMT/RIC/2019/001Climate smart Organic Farming in Rice








8 Dr.P.Christy Nirmala Mary Associate Professor(SS&AC) NRM/MDU/SAC/RIC/2018/001Enhancing phytolith and phytolith occluded carbon on carbon sequestration in rice ecosystem 2018-21 Ongoing