Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics

Completed Projects

S.No. Title of the Project PI / Co-PI Period Total Outlay (lakhs) Funded by
1 Development of photo-thermo insensitive and yellow mosaic resistant pre-breeding lines in Mungbean (V. radiata L.) and Urdbean (V. mungo L.)


Dr. S.Chitra

Asst. Prof. (PB&G)

Jan’ 2016 to March 2017 15.70 ICAR – Extramural
2 To screen Barnyard millet germplasm for salinity tolerance Dr. A. Subramanian

Assoc. Prof. (PB&G)

April, 2018 to

May, 2019

8.00 DBT
3 Evaluation of crop tolerance to high temperature under changing environment using foldscope Dr. T. Thirumurugan

Asst. Prof. (PBG)

April, 2018 to

May, 2019

8.00 DBT