Department of Agronomy-Ongoing Projects

Ongoing Schemes

University Core Project (on going)

Sl.No Title of the Project PI Budget(Rs. in lakh) Funding Agency
1 DCM/TRY/AGR/RIC/2018/CP151

Evaluation of fermented egg and fish waste extract as foliar spray on yield and economics of rice and green gram


Assistant Professor (Agronomy)

0.50 TNAU Core Project
2 DCM/TRY/AGR/SMM/2018/ CP152

Organic finger millet (Eleusine coracana. L.) production under sodic soil.


Assistant Professor (Agronomy)

0.50 TNAU Core Project


Venture Capital Schemes (VCS) (on going)

Sl.No Title of the Project PI Budget

(Rs. in lakh)

Funding Agency
1 V 60 EP

Developing vermicompost production unit and conducting training on solid waste management through vermiculture.


Assistant Professor (Agronomy)

3.69 TNAU