Department of Agronomy-Completed Projects

Completed Scheme

S.No. Title of the Project Project Leaders Duration
1. DCM/TRY/RIC/AGR/15/001

Standardizing agro techniques for medium duration pre release rice cultures


Professor (Agronomy)

June 2015 to May 2017
2. DCM/TRY/AGR/TRI/15/001

Study of biology, physiology and, management of Trianthema portulacastrum in gardenland ecosystem


Assistant Professor (Agronomy)

March, 2015 to Feb, 2017
3. DCM/TRY/AGR/GGR/15/002

Studies on the performance of varieties and seed rate of green gram under rice fallow condition in sodic soil


Assistant Professor (Agronomy)

Aug 2015 to July 2017
4. ACTR/TRY/CRP/13/001

Study on impact of Growth Regulating Substances in improving crop establishment and Harvest Index in black gram and green gram under sodicity


AP (Crop Physiology)

Oct 2013 to              Sep 2016