Completed Projects

Scientists working in this department have obtained the following externally funded schemes from various agencies to strengthen the research for the benefit of the farming community.


  1. EID Parry (I) Ltd., scheme on ‘Studies on short and long term effects of bio-earth, distillery effluent and effluent turned liquid fertilizer on soil physical, chemical and biological properties and yield of crops’ (Budget: 16.06 lakhs)
  2. M/s. Kothari Ltd., scheme on ‘Eco friendly recycling techniques of sugar and distillery industries Bio-inputs for enhancing soil and crop productivity’ (Budget: 7.038 lakhs)
  3. NADP scheme on enhancing rice production in salt affected soils in five districts of Tamil Nadu (Budget: 5.14 lakhs)
  4. Foreign agency (Norway) scheme on Adaption to climate change- An integrated science –stake holder approach to develop adaptation framework for water and agriculture sectors in Andrapradesh and Tamil Nadu states of India (Budget: 21.58 lakhs)
  5. Studies on short and long term effects of bio-earth, distillery effluent and effluent turned liquid fertilizer on soil physical, chemical and biological properties and yield of crops. (Budget: 7.314 lakhs)
  6. Eco-friendly recycling techniques of sugar and distillery industries Bio-inputs for enhancing soil and crop productivity (Budget: 8.649 lakhs)
  7. TNAU- RIICE project- Remote sensing Information for crops and Insurance in emerging economics. (Budget: 0.90 lakhs)
  8. UGC sponsored Project on “Mitigation of methane emission through enhanced methane oxidation and rhizosphere engineering under rice eco-system”(Budget: 13.78 lakhs)
  9. TNPL Sponsored Project on “Environmental quality assessment in the use of Paperboard industry (TNPL Unit II) wastewater for agro-forestry system” (Budget: 49.2 lakhs)
  10. EID Parry (I) Ltd., sponsored scheme on “Eco-friendly utilization of distillery effluent and value added products from sugar and distillery industrial wastes in agriculture and its effect on soil, crops and ground water quality (Budget: 21 lakhs)