Audio VIsual Laboratory
Digital Language Laboratory
An air-conditioned, fully equipped Advanced Digital Language Laboratory has been created at ADAC&RI, Trichy, to help students become proficient in their communication skills and soft skills.
It has the provision to connect 24 mentee consoles with a mentor console, with which the mentor can monitor, screen cast, control and help the mentee. During the weekends and after hours, a technician is assigned in the laboratory to help the students. It operates Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The students use the language lab for the following purposes in addition to learning how to communicate in English with ease across borders and preparing for national competitive examinations like the UPSC exams, banking services, CAT and MAT, as well as international competitive exams like the TOEFL, GRE, and IELTS for higher education abroad:
- to equip for academic co curricular activities like essay writing, verse writing and debating,
- to train for taking up online examinations wherever applicable, groom the for career skills like brainstorming, Group Discussion and Interview skills
- to improve presentation skills necessary for seminar, conference and symposium, and
- to mend in technical writing skills (Scientific article writing, Thesis writing and writing book chapters).
In addition to learn English language, the laboratory is equipped with self-learning language programmes to learn German, French and Spanish languages.