Basic Engineering and Applied Sciences Completed Schemes

Seed Production and supply

Seeds of various classes viz., breeder, foundation, certified and TFL are being produced in agricultural, horticultural and green manure crops every year as per the target fixed by the technical directorates (CPBG, Seed centre).Cultivation practices of various crops from seed to seed were done through mechanization and best suited practices of soil water management technologies. During the past five years, a total quantity of 200 tonnes of different classes of (Breeder, Foundation, Certified and TFL) seeds in 36 varieties of different crops including newly released paddy varieties such as IW Ponni, CO51, TKM 13 and CO 52 besides pulses, millets, green manures and fodder crops. 20,000 sugarcane setts, 10,000 fodder grass slips and 20,000 tree seedlings were produced and distributed to cater the needs of the farming community, private and public organization of Tamil Nadu state with an income generation of 60 lakhs. In recognition of the above activities AEC&RI, Kumulur received BEST SEED PRODUCTION CENTRE AWARD for the year 2013 from TNAU.

Maintenance of Farm

Dept of BEAS is maintaining 118.5 acres of experimental farm for teaching, research and extension activities for demonstration on recent and innovative technologies for the benefit of farming community. Apart from teaching, research and extension, college farm play a major role on production and supply of breeder, foundation, certified and truthful labelled seeds of cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables and green manure seeds to the farming community. The farm have the irrigation source of two canal pump houses viz., Peruvalai canal and Pullambadi canal through Cauvery command area and three open wells.

Major crops grown
Annual crops – Paddy, pulses, millets, minor millets, forage crops, green manure and sugarcane
Horticulture crops – Annual Moringa, Mango, Sapota, Jammun, Coconut, Amla, Acid lime and Guova
Tree crops -Tamarind, Silk cotton, Neem, Pungam, Teak, Eucalyptus, Simaruba, Acacia and Palmyrah
Veterinary Component:
Dairy-A total of 4 Jersey cross cows, 14 Tellichery goats and 3 country hens are available.


Dept of BEAS coordinates and executes extension related activities of AEC & RI through other depts on farm mechanization, soil and water conservation, irrigation automation, food processing, bio energy and agricultural innovations.