Department of Basic Engineering and Applied Sciences HoD’s Desk

HoD's Desk

Department of Basic Engineering and Applied Sciences was approved, as per the 5thICAR Dean’s committee recommendations and as per proceedings of 136th meeting of Academic Council vide. Ref.No. E1/AC.136/III.14/2018 dt.16.7.2018 of Registrar, TNAU, Coimbatore. In December2018, the existing four departments were reorganised to form six departments and approved byproceedings of Registrar, TNAU, Coimbatore No.A1/20510/2018 dt.7.12.2018.By following modern tools of teaching, it is ensured that quality of education is given to students of AEC & RI. The department provides platform for acquiring theoretical and practical skills through detailed lectures and practical sessions.118.85 acres of lands are being managed by the Department of BE&AS by following definite cropping pattern as approved by the Registrar every year. Rice based cropping system is the major cropping system of this college. Sandy clay loam is the major soil type in this farm. Apart from annual crops, perennials viz., Palmyra, silk cotton and minor fruit trees were raised and maintained. Seeds of various classes viz., breeder, foundation, certified and TFL are being produced in agricultural, horticultural and green manure crops every year as per the target fixed by the technical directorates (CPBG & Seed centre, TNAU, Coimbatore).AEC&RI, Kumulur received BEST SEED PRODUCTION CENTRE AWARD for the year 2013 from TNAU.The department is also maintain a well-equipped library with sufficient number of books.