Banana Research Station, Killikulam was established on 16.08.2024 as per the G.O. Ms. No. 168 Agriculture and Farmers welfare Department dated 28.07.2023.
- Augmentation of banana genotypes / ecotypes/ varieties from different parts of the country for evaluation and identification of promising cultivar suitable for commercial exploitation in southern districts of Tamil Nadu.
- Developing precision production technologies in banana by integrating soil health management, input use efficiency, nutrient management for better nutrient efficiency, water budgeting and special horticultural practices to improve the yield and quality of banana fruits.
- Mass multiplication of commercial banana cultivars through micro propagation / conventional methods and virus indexing in order to produce and distribute virus free plantlets for the benefit of farmers.
- Standardizing waste utilization, postharvest management, value addition and storage of banana suitable for domestic and export market.
- Supply Chain Management – Strengthening export of banana-based products through.
- Creating farmer producer organization, organizing buyer seller’s meet both within the country and overseas.
- Establishment of hi-tech Banana nursery unit with hardening chamber including land preparation
- Collection of elite banana genotypes from all over Tamil Nadu including ICAR and other central Institutes like NRCB, Trichy, Banana Research Centre, Kovvur and Gujarat etc.,
- Establishment of Field gene bank
- Evaluation and utilization of banana genotypes for commercial cultivation
- Standardization of precision farming techniques like field preparation, increasing input use efficiencies, fertilizer management, water management and improved horticulture technologies for the production of high-quality bunches suitable for domestic and export market
- Establishment of commercial banana precision farming unit with drip irrigation system and Good Agricultural Practices
- Establishment of tissue culture laboratory with virus indexing facility
- Production and distribution of quality planting materials towards increasing area under Banana gardens
- Creation of primary banana processing unit, post-harvest pack house and cold storage unit with ripening facilities, food processing laboratory for product development
- Establishing Farmer’s Producer Organization, marketing linkages through, promotion of Entrepreneurship in Banana value addition and creation of awareness for trade in domestic and international market