Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics Future Strategies

Future Strategies

Significant strategies:

To generate To meet the farmer’s requirement To produce
Crop specialists capable of thinking innovatively on better crop ideotype Sustainability of crop variety on farmer ground. Ability of crop variety to produce maximum output

 Short term and Long term Goal:

Goal Objectives Implementation



Metrics/ Timeline

Short Term Goal

Reviving course content and teaching modalities for better reach to target population


Improvement of course content and teaching modules


Creation of infrastructure facilities to suit the reachable goals


Once in a  year

Long Term Goal

Ø  Production of subject matter specialists

Ø  Stimulation of collaborative research

Ø  Aid solutions to tangible issues.

Ø  Helps to achieve the short term goals


Crop specialists deliver solutions to crop challenges on farming

Farmers target on integrated farming systems


Improved crop breeding techniques and biotechnological issues


Once in five year period