Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics Ongoing Schemes

List of ongoing schemes


S. No


               Title of the project


Project Leader



1. CPMB/KKM/BIT/FRU/2017/001

Micropropagation protocol development for banana cultivars viz., Matti, Ney Poovan and Monthan.

Dr. S. Merina Prem Kumari Feb 2017  to Jan.2020
2. CPBG/KKM/PBG/RIC/2018/163

Studies on rice land races under high risk of climate variability for development of climate resilient varieties/ hybrids.

Dr. Asish K Binodh April  2018 to March 2023
3. CPBG/KKM/PBG/17/001

Development of Cumbu Napier hybridswith superior quality traits for southern zone of Tamil Nadu

Dr. N. Ananthi April 2017 to March 2020
4. CPBG/ KKM/ PBG/ Rice/2017/001

Development of Medium duration of rice variety with superior cooking quality suited for the Southern districts.

Dr. S. Saravanan June 2016 to May 2021
5. CPBG/ KKM/ PBG/ BSP/ 2014/001

Breeder Seed Production of  rice variety ASD16

 Dr. S. Saravanan Sept. 2017 to Aug. 2020
6. CPBG/KKM/PBG/BGR/2012/001

Development of high yielding blackgram variety suitable for irrigated and rice fallow of southern districts of Tamil Nadu.

Dr. D. Shoba April 2014 to March 2019