Department of Plant Pathology Completed Projects

completed projects

S. No Project Leader/Co-PI Sub project Title Duration
1. Dr.K.G.Sabarinathan,

Asst. Prof.(Agrl.Micro.)

DBT – The Spatio-temporal documentation of the phyllosphere microorganisms in different Agricultural Ecosystems through foldscope (Rs.8.00 lakhs). 2018-2019
2. Dr.K.G.Sabarinathan,


DBT-Exploring interactions of phyllosphere microblome on stomatal complex through foldscope analysis for drought mitigation in rice(Rs.8.00lakhs) 2018-2019
3. Dr.K.G.Sabarinathan,

Asst. Prof.(Agrl.Micro.)

TANII – Skill development and employment generation in palmyrah based ventures for Rural youth (Rs.126.00 lakhs). 2018-2019
Schemes proposed for funding
1. Dr.K.G.Sabarinathan,

Asst. Prof.(Agrl.Micro.) 


Dr. R. Kannan

Professor (Pl.Path.)

Nano fibre embedded synbiotics for effective control of mycotoxin in Ground nut 2019 (The project has been shortlisted for funding under DST)
2. Dr.K.G.Sabarinathan,

Asst. Prof.(Agrl.Micro.) 


Dr. R. Kannan

Professor (Pl.Path.)

INDO-Sri Lanka collaborative project on Preservation and Value addition of Palmyrah food products for upliftment of Palmyrah farming community of India and Sri Lanka   The project has been submitted for funding.
3. Dr.R.Kannan

Dr.M.Arumugam Pillai


New method of seed treatment for pulses/blackgram var.KKM(Bg)1 with new formulation  of beneficial microorganisms to increase the productivity The project has been submitted for funding to TNSCST.
4. Dr.R.Kannan


Screening and selection of blackgram and greengram genotypes resistant to yellow mosaic virus through molecular techniques The project has been submitted for funding to DST.
National Symposium proposed
1. Dr.V.Ramamoorthy,

Asst.Prof. (Pl.Path.)

Fundamentals , genetics and metabolomica knowledge in phytopathogens and biocontrol agents for improving crp protection andbiotechnological utility BARC