Soil Science Laboratories

Laborateries Facilities

  • The Department has separate UG and PG laboratories. Besides basic facilities, it has instruments to estimate essential nutrients required for plant growth. It supports research activities on Integrated Nutrient Management, Soil Quality assessment, Organic matter dynamics and Carbon Sequestration studies for UG and PG programmes.
  • A Central instrumentation room is spaciously designed to accommodate the valuable instruments like Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and U.V.Visible spectrometer besides the provision of internet facilities to the PG students.
  • The Microbiology laboratory holds facilities for basic studies including isolation and identification of beneficial soil microorganisms for improving soilfertility, bio-fertilizer production (Azolla, Cyanobacteria (BGA), Rhizobium, Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria)and compost development (Vermicompost)..


Mass production of Biofertilizers