Department of Soil Science PG Courses

PG semester system

M.Sc.(Ag.) – SS&AC – Courses Offered

Details No.of Courses Total credit
Course work

Major Subjects– SS&AC





Minor Subjects

i. SS&AC

ii. Plan Biochemistry










Non Credit Compulsory Courses

i. PGS 502 Technical writing and

communications skills

ii. PGS 504 Basic concepts in Laboratory


iii. PGS 506 Disaster Management













Seminar 01 01

Courses offered (Major subject) – SS&AC

1st Semester     

Code Title Credit Hours
SAC 501 Soil Physic 2+1
SAC 502 Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use 2+1
SAC 503 Soil Chemistry 2+1
SAC 504 Soil Mineralogy, Genesis, Classification and Survey 2+1
Total Credit Hours 12

2nd Semester

Code Title Credit Hours
SAC 506 Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2+1
SAC 511 Analytical Techniques and Instrumental Methods in Soil and Plant Analysis 1+1
SAC 516 Plant Chemistry and Nutrition 2+1
Total Credit Hours 8

Courses offered (Minor subject)

1st Semester     

Code Title Credit Hours
BIC 501 Plant Biochemistry

(Compulsory course)

Total Credit Hours 3

2nd Semester

Code Title Credit Hours
PGS 504 Basic concepts in Laboratory Techniques 0+1
PGS 506 Disaster Management


Total Credit Hours 2

Non Credit compulsory course

1st Semester     

Code Title Credit Hours
PGS 502 Technical writing and communications skills 0+1
Total Credit Hours 1

2nd Semester

Code Title Credit Hours
PLP 501 Principles of Plant Physiology

(Compulsory course)

SAC 510 Remote sensing and GIS techniques for soil and Crops studies 2+1
Total Credit Hours 6

1.Programme outcomes (PO)

PO1 . Knowledge:Knowledge on soil formation and soil forming factors.Acquire knowledge on   soil physical, chemical and biological properties and understanding the best management   practices for problematic soils.

PO2. Intellectual Analytical Skills:Acquiring skills on Standardization of solutions,Analysis of soil, plant, water, fertilizers and pesticides for different properties.

PO3. Subject- Specific Skills: Measurement of soil physical properties. Soil amendment requirements for reclamation of problematic soils.Identify hazards associated with irrigation water including salinity, sodicity, and toxicity hazards.

PO4. Crop Nutrition:Application of basic concepts tomanage agricultural soils towards plant nutrition and sustaining soil health.

PO5. Modern tools: Application of modern analytical tools such as DSSIFER, VDK, GIS and GPS for soil and ground water quality management.

 PO6. Transferable Key Skills: Manage problematic soils related to chemical processes at the farm level. Manage low quality irrigation water in a manner that ensure agricultural sustainability.

PO7: Ethics: Apply ethical principles to protect soils from erosion by the cultivation practices of the local farming community.

PO 8: Development of Solutions: Developing new innovative ideas and methods to improve the livelihood of the farming community

PO 9: Conducting Investigations: Using research based knowledgeand research methods, investigations can be conducted for complex problems

PO10: Towards sustainable agriculture: From the knowledge of natural resource management,   demonstrations can be done to attain the sustainable agriculture.

1.Programme Specific Outcomes

PSO1.Acquire knowledge on the soil genesis and classification

PSO2.Understand the fundamental concepts in soil science by providing acomprehensive

introduction to the basic properties of soils and their relationship with other components.

PSO3.Acquiring knowledge on the soil survey and mapping

PSO3. Understanding the problematic soils and their reclamation aspects

PSO4.To familiarize with the chemistry of soils.

PSO5.Application of basic concepts of soil fertility for enhancing crop production

PSO6. Understand the modern concepts of nutrient management for sustainable crop production

3.Course Outcomes

SAC 501 Soil physics (2+1)

CO1 Gain knowledge on soil physical properties and its importance for crop production

CO2 Measurement of hydraulic conductivity in saturated and unsaturated soils

CO3 Soil Temperature Management

CO4 Skill development in identification of soil physical properties

CO5 Acquiring knowledge on the soil water potential