Agriculture and Allied Sciences HoD’s Desk

HoD’s Desk

Dr. R. Marimuthu, Professor of Agronomy, presently is working at AC&RI, Kudumiyanmalai. His area of research in Post Graduate  and Doctoral programme was Water Management for Rice and coffee respectively. He served for four years at Spices Board, Govt. of India, Kochi. He also served for four years at Irrigation Management Training  Institute, PWD, Trichy. He has contributed in research on different crops viz., rice, sugarcane and coconut. He has contributed significantly on Intercropping Systems in coconut garden. He had completed 26 years of service in TNAU. He has authorized for 18 articles in National level, 15 Symposium papers and 4 books. 

Dr. R.Marimuthu,

Professor of Agronomy