About Department of Agrl.Entomology




          To provide graduate, post graduate, teaching and develop human resources, to undertake agronomic research by developing new concepts and approaches of sustainable crop production and to augment the process of capacity building of different stake holders in crop production technologies.

        To be the fore runner in evolving soil and crop management prescriptions for doubling the farmers income and improving the standard of living of farming community.


       “More crop per drop of water” through advanced water management techniques including micro irrigation

       “More grain per gram of soil” through soil nutrient management techniques including fertigation

       “More productivity per unit of resources”


  • Providing qualitative education and develop expertise in Agronomic field
  • Developing overall personality of the students during their graduation
  • Providing site specific water resource management for high water use efficiency/crop production
  • Developing site specific nutrient management strategies for various crops and cropping systems for PVC command, garden land and dry land ecosystems
  • Evaluating newly developed/ technologies for reduction in cost of cultivation including organic agriculture
  • Conservation and utilization of natural resources


   During its sojourn of around 50 years it has touched many a milestone of achievements and in the process has carved a prominent niche in the academic arena of the nation. Till date the department has produced more than 150 M.Sc. (Ag) and 100 Ph.D. degree holders who were/are holding key positions in Agricultural Universities, Colleges, ICAR Institutions, NGOs, Banks, Public Sector Units and Administrative services. The department offers courses at Graduate, Master’s and Ph.D. levels in crop production, soil fertility, water management and weed management. Several coordinated, collaborative and ad-hoc research projects funded by ICAR, World Bank, DST, DBT, UGC, Norwegian projects were/are operating in the department. Significant research achievements have been made in natural resource management, conservation agriculture, cropping system, water management, farming system models, integrated nutrient management, crop agronomy, bio herbicide from plant products etc. Specifically the department handles one permanent All India Coordinated Research Projects funded by ICAR viz; Irrigation Water Management. For the first time in the history of the Institute in the year 2017, the Department was awarded Funds for the improvement of Science and Technology Infrastructure (DST-FIST-2017) to the cost Rs 45.0 lakhs by the DST in recognition of its exemplary contribution to the subject by the staff and students of the department.

Future thrust

  • Reducing water footprint in agricultural sector
  • Developing sensor based micro irrigation techniques to increase the water use efficiency
  • Developing agronomic strategy to overcome the challenges of climate change


Sl. No. Details of Award Award received by the Students Awarded by Date /Year

Awards and Recognition by the staff

Sl. No. Details of award Awards received by the staff Awarded by Date /Year
1. Best Extension worker Award