Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology Technologies Developed


Research is strongly emphasized in this Department. The main thrust of the research programme is investigation of the problems in the areas of agricultural education, administration, extension teaching methods, leadership, programme evaluation. Rural youths, training of farmers and extension workers and input supply agencies.

Research is conducted by graduate students as well as faculties. The results of research are utilized as guidelines for extension workers, administrators, policy makers and researches. A wide variety of research and learning resources are available such as Multimedia Laboratory, Department and College libraries and Computer facilities.

  • Apart from student research programme, the scientists are taking up University sub-projects and externally funded projects. The department has the reputation of receiving funds from major funding agencies of Government of India namely DSIR, DST, UGC, DEC and ICAR. The funds to the tune of Rupees 100 lakh were drawn from funding agencies for the past five years.
  • In a DST, Millets of both major and minor millet varieties and technologies were popularized though OFT trainings and demonstrations  and its impact was assessed.
  • In a DSIR funded project on documentation of Indigenous practices, the department could document 526 Indigenous practices followed by farmers in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries which was further sub classified into Indigenous crop protection, crop management, varieties and breeds, micro irrigation practices, machineries and tools, storage and value addition and ethno veterinary practices.
  • In another DSIR funded project 18 Interactive Multimedia Compact Discs on different improved crop production technologies were developed and disseminated to farm women.
  • In a Distance Education Council funded project participatory learning materials on System of Rice Intensification and Production technologies for fruits were developed and field tested.
  • An action research project on dissemination of Information through video conferencing was carried out in collaboration with DHAN Foundation.