Post-Harvest Technology Completed Projects

1. ICAR partly /fully financed schemes (from 1.4.2016 to till date)

AICRP number Discipline Name of the experiment Name  and designation of the scientist incharge Progress of work
C31QC AICRP (Fruits) Understanding flowering phenology and productivity of mango in response to temperature and moisture stress under NICRA Dr. J .Rajangam

Prof. and Head



2.Externally funded schemes (from 1.4.2016 to till date)

Scheme No. Title of the scheme Name (s) of the PI/CO PI Period Progress of work
TANII/HCRI/PKM/FRU/2015/D001 Ultra high density and modern method of fruit cultivation Dr. J. Rajangam – PI

Dr. I Muthuvel- CO PI

Dr. C. Subesh Ranjith Kumar –CO PI

Dr. T. Anitha –CO PI

2015-2018 Completed

E 28 RS

Establishment  of mother plant nurseries for high pedigree planting material of fruit crops Dr. J. Rajangam- PI

Dr. S. Irulandi –CO PI

Dr. I Muthuvel- CO PI

Dr. C. Ravindran-CO PI

Dr. A. Vijayasamundeeswari- CO PI

2011-2017 Completed the project

3. Research Outcome

  • Findings approved for adoption during 2018 CSM from the Station results:
  • Findings on On-Farm Testing
  • Findings for Information
  • New variety “MDU1” cluster bean  was developed from Agricultural college and Research Institute ,TNAU, Madurai and released by state variety release committee on January 2015