Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture

HOD's Desk

Warm greetings to All!

           At Horticultural College and Research Institute for Women, the Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture was established in the year 2017 and involved in teaching, research and extension work on flower and ornamental crops. The courses on floriculture and landscaping are being offered to the students of B.Sc Hons. (Horiculture)  and B.Sc Hons. (Agriculture) degree programmes. Research activities on flower and ornamental crops are being carried out. The department has a rich collection of jasmine, nerium, Ixora, Tabernaemontana and other ornamental crops. The cut flowers are    being cultivated under polyhouse for education and research purpose. The department maintains a botanical garden with attractive annuals, shrubs, trees, climbers, palms, cacti, succulents, Japanese garden and rock garden. The screening of flower crops for saline sodic soil and model plot for successful cultivation is being maintained for education purpose. The department maintains a well established nursery with different ornamental plants for commercial production and handling practical classes. The department has a medicinal park with 60 medicinal and aromatic plants. The garden serves as a valuable centre to educate the concepts of floriculture and landscaping to the students and scholars of educational institutions and also acts as a treasure house for garden lovers and visitors.

The garden holds a diverse and rich collection of native and exotic flora. The plant wealth includes various foliage and flowering trees, shrubs, climbers, annuals, cacti and succulents, lawn grasses, cut flowers like Chrysanthemum and traditional flowers like Jasmines, Nerium, Ixora  and Hibiscus collections, annual flower crops, Medicinal plants park etc. Due to the awareness on environmental protection and conservation of nature’s wealth, students, researchers, farmers, nurserymen, gardeners, botanists, scientists, physically challenged citizens, mentally disabled citizens, senior citizens, Agricultural & Horticultural Dept. Extension Officials, environmentalists, entrepreneurs, natural healers, policy makers, urban public are greatly benefitted.

Trainings on landscaping and cultivation of flower crops are being offered to farmer’s entrepreneurs, self-help groups and rural youth on design and landscaping of a garden, cultivation, postharvest and value addition of ornamental flower crops.

         Trainings on landscaping and cultivation of flower crops are being offered to farmer’s entrepreneurs, self-help groups and rural youth on design and landscaping of a garden, cultivation, postharvest and value addition of ornamental flower crops.

Dr. R. Arulmozhiyan, Ph.D.

Professor  & Head(i/c)

Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture

Horticultural College and Research Institute for Women
