About Us
The Department of Crop Management is established during July, 2019. This department comprises of 7 disciplines viz., Agronomy, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Microbiology, Environmental Science, Crop Physiology, Plant Biochemistry and Agricultural Engineering. At present, the department has three Professors, three Associate Professors and five Assistant Professors.
This department is offering totally 27 courses on various subjects for undergraduate programme. The well-furnished laboratories of Agronomy, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Microbiology, Environmental Science, Crop Physiology and Agricultural Engineering are available with all necessary instruments and equipments for imparting practical knowledge to the students.
Under this department, various bio inoculants are produced commercially through venture capital schemes for the farmers of Cauvery Delta Region. The faculties working in the Department of Crop Management contributes to the farming community by providing suitable solutions to their problems in Cauvery Delta region. This department is undertaking externally funded research projects on stage specific inoculum for organic rice production in Tamil Nadu.