Hands on training on “Basics of DNA Fingerprinting


  1. Introduction to Molecular Markers 
  2. Molecular Markers in DNA fingerprinting 
  3. Multi-locus marker systems
  4. Single-locus marker systems 
  5. Quality and Quantity Check of isolated genomic DNA
  6. DNA replication and PCR
  7. Electrophoretic principles 
  8. Plant Variety Protection and Seed Purity Analysis 
  9. Data Generation and Interpretation 
  10. Next Generation Molecular Markers


  1. Preparation of Reagents and Solutions 
  2. Isolation of Genomic DNA 
  3. Quality and Quantity Check of DNA; Setting up PCR with SSR and RAPD 
  4. Gel Electrophoresis : RAPD 
  5. Gel Electrophoresis : SSR 


Dr. P. Meenakshisundaram (Asst.Professor)

Department of  Plant Biotechnology

Centre for Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Ph No : 9865450117

Email Id : pms@tnau.ac.in