Registration Link

Objectives of the Course

GCMS/MSisasophisticatedhyphenatedtechniqueprovides enhanced sample identification, higher sensitivity, an increased range of analyzable samples, and faster results, which enable a whole new range of applications for GC-MS in several areas. The main advantages of using GC-MS for metabolomics are its high chromatographic separation power, high peak capacity, reproducible retention times, robust quantitation, high selectivity and sensitivity, and fast compound identification using existing commercial spectral libraries (e.g., NIST, Wiley).ThetraineeshallgainknowledgeoftheoperationandmaintenanceoftheGC-MS/MS)usedinthehighthroughputmetabolomicsresearch.


Registration Instruction

Please make your payment online using the account details given below
(PERSON to ACCOUNT without adding beneficiary – mode) and make a
note of the Reference Number (Demand draft / Cheque shall not be
* Then, move to the ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM using the link given
below (Fill in the requisite details and submit the form).
* The applicants shall upload scanned copy of employment ID card or similar
document as a proof for designation in your institution.
* Uploading screenshot of payment is essential during online registration
* Registration link : https://tinyurl.com/35cwxfdm
*A confirmation email will be sent to the participants after successful
verification of details provided in the application