Plant Biotechnology – Ph.D., Courses

Ph. D., (Ag.) Biotechnology (List of courses for Semester System, 2019)

S. No. Course No. Course Title Credit hours
I.               Major courses (15)
1. MBB 601 Advances In Plant Molecular Biology 3+0
2. MBB 602 Advances In Genetic Engineering 3+0
3. MBB 603 Advances In Microbial Biotechnology 3+0
4. MBB 604 Advances In Crop Biotechnology 2+0
5. MBB 605 Advances in Genomics and Bioinformatics 3+0
6. MBB 606 Commercial Plant Tissue Culture 1+0
Total Credits 15+0=15
II.        Minor courses (8)
1. GPB 604 Cellular and Chromosomal Manipulations in Crop Improvement 2+1
2. PLP 605 Climate Change and Crop Growth 2+0
3. PLP 611 Advances In Plant Responses To Abiotic Stresses 2+1
4. PLP 603 Molecular Approaches for Improving physiological traits 2+0
5. PAT 604 Molecular Basis Of Host-Pathogen Interaction 2+1
Total Credits 6+2=8
III.  Supporting courses (5)
1. GPB 601 Plant Genetic Resources And Their Utilization 2+0
2. AGM 605 Microbial Gene Technology 2+1
4. ENT 608 Advanced Host Plant Resistance 1+1
5. MAT 604 Mathematical Modeling In Agricultural Sciences 1+1
Total Credits 4+1=5
IV.  Doctoral Seminar-I 1+0
V.    Doctoral Seminar-II 1+0
VI.  Research 0+45
Total Credits 27+48=75


In addition, Compulsory Non-credit courses, as mentioned in the above M. Sc. (Agriculture) in Biotechnology program, have to undergo (if not undergone during MSc program).



Programme Outcomes (PO) of Ph. D., (Plant Biotechnology)

 PO1 Knowledge: Applying the mechanisms and principles learnt to solve the problems in agriculture by using biotechnological techniques and tools.
 PO2 Understanding the problems and finding out solutions: Identifying the research gaps in the agricultural field by practical exposure and working out the methodology for solving the problems through literature collection and experimentation.
 PO3 Conducting research for solving the problems: After identifying a research problem, formulation of a research proposal by collecting literature and deriving the methodologies for implementing the research through several experiments, collection of data, analysis of data and finally interpreting the data for getting a solution to the research problem.
 PO4 Gaining knowledge on modern tools and techniques: While solving new research issues methodologies will be optimized, new tools may be developed, undergoing the usage of sophisticated equipments and valuable softwares / tools to attain the solutions scientifically.
 PO5 Work efficiency: Students’ working efficiency will be improved either individually or working under team environment. Understanding the value of time the productivity will be increased.
 PO6 Professional Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to follow professional ethics and norms and guidelines in the practice of biotechnology responsibly.
 PO7 Communication skills: Solutions found out for the research problems will be effectively communicated by way of writing research articles and presentations.
 PO8 Biotechnology and society: Apply reasoning for the issues, informed by the contextual knowledge of the problems in hand and assess the risk associated with the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues of the problems and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional practice of the discipline.
 PO9 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the technological solutions developed through biotechnology in contexts of society and the environment, and demonstrate the knowledge need for sustainable development in judicious use of biotechnology tools and technique.
 PO10 Life-long learning: Understanding the dynamism of biological sciences, technological changing needs are to be felt, positive attitude are to developed so as to prepare and engage in adapting to such changes through the process of life-long learning.



Ph. D., (Plant Biotechnology): Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)

PSO1 Impart a high quality education in biotechnology among students to meet out future challenges in agriculture.
 PSO2 Understand the nature and basic concepts of cell biology, Biochemistry, Molecular biology and bioinformatics.
 PSO3 Analyze the complex problems of agriculture and address issues through use of modern tools and techniques in biotechnology.
 PSO4 Perform experimental procedures as per established laboratory standards in the areas of Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Plant tissue culture, Genetic Engineering, Molecular Ecology, Molecular marker Technology and Bioinformatics.
 PSO5 Understand the applications of biotechnology in all spheres of agriculture and develop crops with improved productivity thereby increasing farmers’ income, better human health and decreased environmental pollution.




Ph. D., (Ag.) Biotechnology

  1. Major Courses

MBB 601 Advances in Plant Molecular Biology (3+0)


To discuss the specialized topics and recent advances in the field of plant molecular biology



Unit I : Forward and Reverse Genetics
Arabidopsis in molecular biology, Forward and Reverse Genetic Approaches, Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression, isolation of promoters and other regulatory elements.
Unit II : Transcriptomics
RNA interference, Transcriptional gene silencing, Transcript and protein analysis, use of transcript profiling to study biological systems.
Unit III : Hormone regulated pathways
Hormone regulatory pathways: Ethylene, Cytokinin, Auxin and ABA, SA and JA; ABC Model of Floral Development, Molecular basis of self incompatibility. Signal transduction and receptors.
Unit IV : Abiotic stress
Molecular biology of abiotic stress responses: Cold, high temperature, submergence, dehydration, salinity and drought;
Unit V : Plant pathogen interactions
Molecular Biology of plant-pathogen interactions, molecular biology of Agrobacterium infection, Molecular biology of Rhizobium infection (molecular mechanisms in symbiosis), Programmed cell death in development and defense.


1.     Arabidopsis as a model plant in molecular biology
2.     The genetic basis of a phenotype or trait
3.     Expression of a phenotype by a particular gene
4.     Reverse Genetic Approaches in functional genomics
5.     Reverse Genetic Approaches in functional genomics (cont…)
6.     Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression
7.     Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression (cont…)
8.     Promoters and their role in gene expression
9.     Isolation of promoters and other regulatory elements
10.  RNA interference – micro RNAs and small interfering RNAs
  1. Mode of action in RNAi system
12.  RNA dependent gene silencing
13.  Transcriptional gene silencing
14.  Post transcriptional gene silencing
15.  RNA viruses in post transcriptional gene silencing
16.  Suppression of gene silencing by plant viruses
17.  Application of RNAi technology in plant biotechnology
18.  Transcript analysis to study biological systems
19.  Protein analysis to study biological systems
20.  Regulation of cellular processes by different hormones
21.  Role of hormones in flowering
22.  Role of hormones in fruit ripening
23.  Role of hormones in seed germination
24.  Role of hormones in senescence
25.  Mid semester exam
26.  JA in signal transduction
27.  ABC Model of Floral Development
28.  Molecular basis of self incompatibility
29.  Signal transduction – over view
30.  Plasma membrane receptors
31.  Protein kinases
32.  G proteins in signal transduction
33.  Principles of stress perception
34.  Signal transduction pathway
35.  Regulation of gene expression
36.  Molecular biology of salinity stress tolerance in plants
37.  Molecular biology of drought tolerance in plants
38.  The heat shock response in higher plants
39.  Molecular biology of low temperature response in plants
40.  Molecular biology and genomics of flooding
41.  Response and adaptation by plants to flooding stress
42.  Molecular responses to dehydration in plants
43.  Molecular mechanisms involved in Agrobacterium infection of plant cells
44.  Molecular mechanisms involved in Agrobacterium infection of plant cells
45.  (cotnd…)
46.  Use of Agrobacterium as a biotechnological tool for genetic engineering
47.  Molecular biology of Rhizobium infection
48.  Nodulation genes
49.  Nod factor signaling and infection in Rhizobium-legume symbiosis
50.  Programmed cell death(PCD) or Apoptosis in plants
51.  Occurrence and necessity of PCD for plant development
52.  Occurrence and necessity of PCD for plant defense



1. Buchanan B, Gruissen W & Jones R. 2015. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants. 2nd Ed, American Society of Plant Physiologists, USA.
2. Krebs, JE, Goldstein ES &Kilpatrick ST 2017. Levin’s Genes XII. 12th Ed. Jones & Barlett Learning Publ.
3. Malacinski GM & Freifelder D. 2008. Essentials of Molecular Biology. 4th Ed. Jones & Bartlett Publ.
4. Nelson DL & Cox MM. 2017. Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry. 7th Ed. WHFreeman & Co.
5. Watson JD, Bakee TA, Bell SP, Gann A, Levine M &Losick R. 2017. Molecular Biology of the Gene. 7th Ed. Pearson Education.



1. molecular biology
2. (molecular biology today – journal) molecular biology)



MBB 602 Advances In Genetic Engineering          (3+0)


To discuss specialized topics and advances in the field of genetic engineering and their application in crop improvement


Unit I : Genetic Engineering Technologies

Overview of transgenic plants – current status of transgenic plants. Recent advances – cisgenesis and intragenesis, RNAi technology, targeted genome modification – CRISPR-Cas9 and advancements in CRISPR technology, gene drive. Regulated and tissue-specific expression of transgenes for crop improvement

Unit II : Engineering for stress resistance
Gene stacking; Pathway engineering; Marker-free transgenic development strategies. High through put phenotyping of transgenic plants. Case studies: Genetic engineering of herbicide resistance, Transgenic plants resistant to pests; Engineering for abiotic stress resistance
Unit III : Engineering for Quality traits and male sterility
Genetic Engineering food crops for quality – nutritional quality, starch composition, FA composition and shelf life. Genetic engineering for pollination control, Induction of male sterility in plants.
Unit IV : Production of recombinant proteins in plants
Molecular farming of plants for pharmaceutical applications advances in chloroplast transformation – production of therapeutic proteins in chloroplasts. Expression of recombinant proteins using viral vectors.
Unit V : Biosafety and Regulatory issues
Bio-safety studies – Environmental issues associated with transgenic crops; Food and feed safety issues; risk assessment – problem formulation; risk assessment for environment and food safety. Field studies with transgenic crops; National and international regulatory framework – Advances in biosafety regulation.



1. An over-view of transformation methods
2. Advances in transformation methods
3. Current status of transgenic plant – global and national level
4. Benefits and impact of transgenic plants – global and national level
5. Cisgenesis and intragenesis
6. Cisgenesis vs transgenesis; examples
7. RNAi technology
8. Targeted genome modification – basics; ZFN and TALEN
9. CRISPR technology
10. Advances in CRISPR technology
11. Gene drive and its application in insect control
12. Marker-free transgenic plants
13. Regulated and tissue specific expression of target genes
14. Pathway engineering; case studies
15. High throughput genotyping of transgenic plants
16. Genetic engineering for herbicide resistance; case studies
17. Genetic engineering for insect resistance, Bt mediated insect resistance
18. Improving Bt expression in plants; case studies
19. Insect resistance genes of plant and other origin
20. RNAi technology in insect control
21. Genetic engineering for fungal disease resistance; case studies
22. Genetic engineering for bacterial disease resistance; case studies
23. Genetic engineering for viral disease resistance; case studies
24. Application of RNAi and CRISPR technology for disease resistance – case studies
25. Mid Semester Examination
26. Engineering crops for abiotic stress resistance
27. Abiotic resistance; case studies
28. Genetic engineering for nutritional quality – protein, mineral
29. Genetic engineering for nutritional quality – vitamins
30. Genetic engineering for nutritional quality – fatty acid composition
31. Genetic engineering for quality – starch composition, shelf life
32. Genetic engineering for male sterility – strategies
33. Genetic engineering for male sterility – Case study
34. Molecular pharming in different systems
35. Plant Molecular pharming for pharmaceutical proteins
36. Production of antibodies; vaccines – case studies
37. Advances in chloroplast transformation
38. Production of therapeutic proteins in chloroplasts
39. Transient expression of recombinant proteins using viral vectors
40. First and second generation Viral vectors
41. Transient expression – case studies
42. Biosafety issues; Food safety concerns of transgenic plants
43. Environmental issue associated with transgenic plants
44. Principles of Risk assessment
45. Problem formulation – basics
46. Problem formulation – environmental risk assessment
47. Problem formulation – risk assessment for food and feed safety
48. Biosafety regulation at global level
49. Biosafety regulations at national level; regulatory set up in India
50. Conduct of confined field studies
51. Advances in biosafety regulation; regulation of products derived from RNAi and CRISPR technologies



1. Handbook of Plant Biotechnology, 2 volume set, Edited by Christou P and Klee H. Wiley publisher, 2004, 1488 pages.
2. Molecular Farming- Plant made pharmaceuticals and technical proteins. Edited by Fischer R and Schillberg S, 2004, WILEY-VCH Verlag publisher
3. Genetically Engineered Food: Methods and Detection, Edited by Heller KJ, Wiley-Blackwel, 2006, 287 pages
4. Plant Biotechnology- The genetic manipulation of plants by Authors, Slater et al., 2008, Oxford University Press, 376 pages.
5. Agrobacterium: From Biology to Biotechnology. Edited by Tzfira et al., Springer, 2008, 750 pages
6. Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology and Its Applications: Prof. Dr. Karl-Hermann Neumann Commemorative Volume. Edited by Ket N al., I. K. International Pvt Ltd, 2008, 694 pages.
7. Genetically Modified and non-Genetically Modified Food Supply Chains: Co-Existence and Traceability. Edited by Bertheau Y., Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, 708 pages
8. Plant Gene Containment, Edited by Oliver MJ and Li Y. Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, 224 pages.
9. Improving Crop Productivity in Sustainable Agriculture. Edited by Tuteja et al , Wiley-Blackwel, 2013; 536 pages
10. Plant Biotechnology – Experience and Future Prospects. Edited by Ricroch et al., Springer, 2014; 276 pages
11. Genetic Modification and Food Quality: A Down to Earth Analysis, Blair, R and Regenstein JM., Wiley, 2015; 288 pages
12. Plant Pathogen Resistance Biotechnology. Edited by Collinge DB, Wiley-Blackwel, 2016. 440 pages.
13. Plant Biotechnology: Principles and Applications. Edited by Abdin MZ et al., Springer, 2017; 392 pages.
14. Biotechnologies of Crop Improvement, Volume 2, Transgenic Approaches. Edited by Gosal SS and Wani SH, Springer International Publishing, 2018, 485 pages.





MBB 603 Advances in Microbial Biotechnology (3+0)


The objectives of this course are to introduce the students to the field of microbiology with emphasis on biotechnological potential of microbes.



Unit I : Microbial Diversity

Domain and Kingdom concepts in classification of microorganisms; Criteria for classification; Classification of Bacteria according to Bergey’s manual; use of DNA and RNA sequencing in classification; Molecular methods used in microbial classification; 16S rDNA sequencing and Ribosomal Database Project; Culture Collection and preservation.

Unit II : Microbial Growth Kinetics and physiology

Microbial growth – yield constants, continuous kinetics, methods of growth estimation; Nutrition; microbial metabolism; Fermentative metabolism- isolation, preservation and improvement of industrially important microorganisms.

Unit III : Bioprocessing

Fermentors – types-Batch, Fed batch and continuous fermentation-Immobilization of enzymes and cells; Fermentation medium; Scale-up principles; Down-stream processing, Product development regulation and safety.

Unit IV : Microbial Biotechnology Products – I

Recombinant and synthetic vaccines; Microbial insecticides; Microbial polysaccharides and polyesters; primary metabolites; secondary metabolites, microbial enzymes, Biotransformation.

Unit V : Microbial Biotechnology Products – II

Fuels and industrial chemicals; food and beverage fermentation; food additives and supplements; microbial biomass; biofuels; environmental biotechnology.



  1. Importance of the Identification and Classification of Microorganisms
  2. Taxonomic Diversity of Bacteria
  3. Characteristics of fungi and its classification
  4. Classification of Bacteria according to Bergey’s manual
  5. Molecular methods used in microbial classification
  6. 16S rDNA sequencing and Ribosomal Database Project
  7. Convention of Biological Diversity, Microbial culture Preservation & Culture collection
  8. Microbial Nutrition – Nutritional categories of microorganisms
  9. Microbial growth kinetics – batch growth – continuous growth
  10. Determination of growth of microbes – environmental influence on growth
  11. Microbial metabolism
  12. Microbial metabolism – regulating microbial metabolism
  13. Fermentative metabolism
  14. Isolation, screening of industrially important microorganisms
  15. Strain improvement of industrially important microorganisms
  16. Fermentation system – fermentor design and construction
  17. Physical and chemical control in a fermentor
  18. Fermentors/ bioreactors – types and classification
  19. SSF – Factors that control SSF
  20. Fermentation process development
  21. Fermentation medium formulation
  22. Principles and methods used for sterilization in fermentor
  23. Scale up principles
  24. Downstream processing – an overview
  25. Large scale cell separation techniques
  26. Mid Semester Examination
  27. Cell disruption and Product recovery
  28. Immobilization of cells and enzymes
  29. Product development regulation and safety
  30. Vaccines – recombinant and synthetic vaccines
  31. Vaccines improvement – recent advances in vaccine development
  32. Microbial Insecticide – Bt toxins
  33. Microbial polysaccharides and its production
  34. Microbial polyesters production
  35. Microbial primary metabolites – Organic acid production
  36. Microbial primary metabolites – Amino acid production
  37. Microbial secondary metabolites – antibiotics
  38. Commercial production of antibiotics
  39. Physiology of antibiotic production
  40. Commercial microbial enzymes production
  41. Fuel and Industrial chemicals – overview
  42. Biofuels – development and recent advances
  43. Fermentation of diary products
  44. Fermentation of traditional food products
  45. Fermentation of dairy products
  46. Microbial production of food additives and supplements
  47. Microbial biomass production – SCP – different methods of SCP
  48. Waste water and effluent treatment and composting
  49. Biodegradation of xenobiotics
  50. Genetic and metabolic aspects of biodegradation
  51. Recent updates on trends, technologies and milestones in microbial biotechnology




  1. Maloy SR, Cronan JE Jr., and Freifelder D, (2006), Microbial Genetics, Jones Bartlett

Publishers, Sudbury, Massachusetts.

  1. Glazer, A.N and Nikaido, H. Eds. (2007). Microbial biotechnology: Fundamentals of

Applied Microbiology. Cambridge University Press.

  1. Palanivelu P. (2016). Microbial Biotechnology and Biosafety Aspects – II Edition.

Twentyfirst Century Publications.



  1. Microbial Biotechnology
  2. Microbial Biotechnology



MBB 604 Advances in Crop Biotechnology (2+0)

To discuss specialized topics on the application of genomics tools in specific crops.
Unit I : Conventional and molecular techniques of crop improvement
Conventional and non-conventional techniques in crop improvement; Present status and recent developments on available genetic transformation and genomic tools for crop improvement. Diversity assessment, Germplasm characterization – diversity analysis; Molecular markers in Plant variety protection and hybrid purity testing.
Unit II : Methods of construction of genetic linkage maps
Mapping populations – F2s, RILs ,Backcross lines, NILs, NAM (Nested Association mapping), MAGIC (Multi-parent advanced generation inter-cross); Constructing molecular maps; integrating genetic, physical and molecular maps; GWAS (Genome Wide Association Studies); Navigating from genetic to physical map.
Unit III : Molecular mapping of complex traits and Marker Assisted Selection
Mapping simple and complex traits, QTL detection methods; Fine mapping ; Map based cloning/ positional cloning for gene discovery; Marker Assisted Selection (MAS); Gene/QTL introgression; MABB (Marker Assisted Back cross breeding) : Gene/QTL pyramiding strategies; Selected examples on marker assisted selection of qualitative and quantitative traits.
Unit IV : Genomic selection and High throughput genotyping platforms
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, Advances in SSR genotyping – Principle of Association mapping – GWAS ; DARTseq, SNP genotyping – Illumina’s Golden Gate Technology, Fluidigm; GBS (genotyping by sequencing),Nano pore sequencing-;Genomics Assisted Breeding ; Principles and methods of Genomic Selection.
Unit V : Application of Biotechnological tools in crop improvement
Discussion on application of molecular markers, genetic transformation and genomic tools for the genetic enhancement in some major field crops such as rice, wheat, maize, vigna, cotton, soybean, oilseeds, sugarcane etc.,



1. Conventional versus non-conventional methods for crop improvement
2. Recent developments on molecular markers for crop improvement
3. Molecular markers for diversity assessment and hybrid purity testing
4. Types of mapping populations – F2, RILs , NILS, Biparental mapping vs Multi-parent mapping, NAM (Nested Association mapping), MAIGIC
5. Introduction to genome mapping- Construction of genetic linkage maps
6. GWAS (Genome Wide Association Studies)
7. Navigating from genetic to physical map
8. Mapping simple and complex traits, QTL detection methods
9. Map based cloning/ positional cloning for gene discovery
10. Strategies in molecular breeding – Marker Assisted Selection (MAS); Genomics Assisted Breeding case studies
11. Methods of Gene/QTL introgression
12. MABB (Marker Assisted Back cross breeding) case studies
13. Foreground and back ground selection for introgression of QTL
14. Gene/QTL pyramiding strategies
15. Crop databases and its application in mapping studies
16. QTL mapping quantitative traits – days to flowering, plant height & grain yield
17. Mid Semester Examination
18. Meta analysis of QTLs
19. QTL mapping quantitative traits – submergence, salinity, drought tolerance,
20. QTL mapping for quantitative traits – nutritional traits, Nutrient use efficiency
21. Association mapping strategy for complex traits improvement
22. Synteny mapping in cereals
23. Fine mapping traits with selected examples in cereal genomes
24. Map-based positional cloning of agronomically important genes
25. Marker assisted selection of qualitative traits
26. Marker assisted selection of quantitative traits
27. Genomic selection for crop improvement
28. Application of biotechnological tools for genetic enhancement in rice
29. Application of biotechnological tools for genetic enhancement in wheat
30. Application of biotechnological tools for genetic enhancement in maize
31. Application of biotechnological tools for genetic enhancement in cotton
32. Application of biotechnological tools for genetic enhancement in Vigna & soybean
33. Application of biotechnological tools for genetic enhancement in oilseeds
34. Application of biotechnological tools for genetic enhancement in sugarcane



1. D.J. Somers, (2009), Plant Genomics – Methods and Protocols, Humana Press, Business Media.
2. C. Kole, A.G. Abott, (2008), Principles and Practices of Plant Genomics, Science Publishers.
3. R.K. Varshney, R. Tuberosa, (2008). Genomics Assisted Crop Improvement, Springer.
4. K. Meksem, G Kahl, (2005). The Handbook of Plant Genome Mapping: Genetic and Physical Mapping, Wiley-Blackwell.
5. A.F. Griffiths et al, (2000). An Introduction to Genetic Analysis, WH Freeman & Co.
6. Plant Molecular Breeding – Breeding/Plant-Molecular-Breeding.pdf
7. Molecular Plant Breeding –
8. Molecular Markers and Marker-Assisted Breeding in Plants -


MBB 605 Advances in Genomics and Bioinformatics (3+0)


To educate the students on the advances in genome analysis at various levels (DNA, mRNA and protein) and bioinformatics methods used in these analysis


UNIT I: Genome analysis
Introduction to Genomics, Structural and Functional Genomics; Advances in Genome analysis – Advances in Genome mapping – QTL mapping, Association mapping, GWAS, MAGIC, Genomic Selection; DNA sequencing – Next generation sequencing methods, Advances in Whole genome sequencing; Genome sequencing projects and databases; Re-sequencing Projects – Rice 3K, Arabidopsis 1K and Human ENCODE etc., Phenomics, Speed Breeding
UNIT II: Transcriptomics
Regulation of gene expression; Functional genomics – Tools and Techniques; Transcriptomics – RTPCR, Northern, cDNA library, SSH Library, DD-RT-PCR, cDNA AFLP, SAGE, MPSS, Microarrays, RNA-Sequencing, small RNAs etc.,

Unit III: Proteomics, Metabolomics

Proteomics: Protein separation and 2D PAGE; mass spectrometry; LC-MS; Proteome databases; Protein microarrays; Structural Proteomics: Protein structure determination; Designing novel agrochemicals: Metabolomics; Phenomics
UNIT IV: Functional analysis of genes
Functional analysis of genes – Mutagenesis, Over-expression mutants, Knock out mutants; RNA-interference; Genome editing; Gene traps;; Yeast-two hybrid System; SNPs, TILLING, EcoTILLING; allele mining; Functional genomics projects in Rice, Arabidopsis; Applications of functional genomics in agriculture
UNIT V: Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics in genome sequence assembly and annotation; Gene prediction; Genomic databases – structure and data retrieval; Bioinformatics tools in microarrays, RNA-Seq and proteomics; Computational methods of miRNA prediction; In silico tools in protein structure prediction – Homology Modeling


1.     Introduction to Genomics – Proteomics; Genomes
2.     Organization in genome prokaryotes and eukaryotes
3.     Physico-chemical properties of a genomes
4.     Gene structure and Gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
5.     Genetic exchange in prokaryotes and eukaryotes – principles
6.     Introduction to genome maps – types – Genetic and physical maps
7.     Introduction to molecular markers and its types
8.     Genetic mapping – Linkage mapping
9.     QTL mapping – principles & methods
10.  Fine mapping of QTLs – Positional cloning
11.  Association mapping – Principles, methods and applications
12.  Marker Assisted Selection – Principles, methods and applications
13.  Marker Assisted Back cross breeding – principles, methods and applications
14.  Pyramiding multiple QTLs through marker assisted breeding
15.  Advances in genotyping procedures – SSRs and SNPs
16.  Marker Assisted Selection – Case studies – yield traits
17.  Marker Assisted Selection – Case studies – abiotic stress tolerance
18.  Marker Assisted Selection – Case studies – biotic stress tolerance
19.  Advancements in MAS – NAM, MAGIC and Genomic Selection
20.  Case studies in MAGIC and Genomic Selection
21.  Introducing concepts of Phenomics and Speed breeding
22.  Introduction to Physical mapping – types of physical maps
23.  Methods of sequencing – Sanger method and Maxam & Gilbert method
24.  Second and third generation sequencing methods
25.  Metagenomics – 16s rRNA/shot gun
26.  Genome sequencing strategies, tools and techniques
27.  Genome sequencing assembly and annotation
28.  Mid Semester Examination
29.  Genome databases – humans, plants, microbes and animals
30.  Genome databases – Re-sequencing of plant genomes (Rice, Arabidopsis)
31.  Introduction to Functional genomics – Techniques in gene expression profiling
32.  Transcriptomics – RT-PCR , Northern analysis
33.  cDNA library screening – ESTs; DD-RT-PCR, cDNA AFLP – SAGE
34.  Microarrays – Principle, methodology
35.  Microarrays – data analysis and case studies
36.  RNA sequencing – tools, techniques and data analysis
37.  Case studies – Microarrays and RNA-Seq
38.  Introduction to Proteomics – need for proteomics, Definition and types of proteomics; 2D PAGE
39.  Mass spectrometry (LC-MS, Q-TOF, MALDI) and applications in proteomics
40.  Applications of Proteomics in Agriculture, Designing novel agrochemicals
41.  Metabolomics, Ionomics, Lipidomics, Glycomics, Phenomics
42.  Assigning functions of a gene – Mutagenesis – Chemical, Physical and molecular mutagenesis
43.  Over-Expression Mutants – Knock-out mutants; case studies
44.  Genome editing – Principles and methods
45.  Gene traps, Yeast two hybrid system etc.,
46.  SNPs – Allele mining in crop improvement
47.  Bioinformatics in miRNA prediction, validation and target prediction
48.  Determination of Protein structure – computational tools
49.  Bioinformatics in Modeling and Docking
50.  Case studies in functional genomics
51.  Case studies in Functional genomics

Suggested Readings

1.     Stephen P. Hunt, Rick Livesey. 2009. Functional Genomics: A Practical Approach.
2.     Christopher A. Cullis. 2005. Plant Genomics and Proteomics
3.     Primrose. S. B. and Twyman. R. 2004. Principles of Genome Analysis and Genomics. Third edition University of York
4.     Lesk A. M. 2014. Introduction to Bioinformatics. Oxford University Press, New York
5.     Baxevanis AD and Ouellettee BFF. 2001. Bioinformatics: a Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins. Wiley Interscience
6.     Kessel A,2010. Introduction to Proteins: Structure, Function, and Motion, CRC Press
7.     Weizhong Li and Adam Godzik. 2002. Discovering new genes with advanced homology detection. Trends in Biotechnology, 20:8, 315-316
8.     Next-Generation DNA Sequencing Informatics, Second Edition by Stuart M. Brown. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (June 30, 2015) (Unit-1,2, and5)

Suggested websites

4. 161



MBB 606 Commercial Plant Tissue Culture (1+0)


To discuss the commercial applications of plant tissue culture in agriculture, horticulture, forestry medicine and industry.


Unit I : Techniques for Plant Mass Propagation through Tissue Culture

Commercial plant tissue culture lab organization. Micro propagation – plant multiplication, hardening – Low cost alternatives. Bio-reactors – Commercialized photoautotrophic micro propagation-automation technologies-Synthetic seed production.
Unit II : Commercial Scale Micropropagation
Commercial plant tissue culture and applications-case studies-banana, ornamentals, bamboo, sugarcane, plantation and tree crops, potato and medicinal plants.
Unit III : Quality Control and Guidelines for Certification & Accreditation of Labs
Quality control for plant tissue culture – Virus indexing and Genetic Fidelity testing. National certification system for TC plants-Guidelines and certification-TCCA, ATLs, TCPUs, TCPFs and RCs. Consortium of micro propagation research-commercial TC labs in India. Packing, transportation and quarantine for tissue cultured plants.
Unit IV : Plant cell cultures and applications
Cell suspension cultures, immobilization. Hairy root cultures – secondary metabolite production. Methods to enhance secondary metabolite production – precursor feeding, elicitation, immobilization, mutagenesis – Scale up through bioreactors. Production of useful compounds via biotransformation. Secondary metabolites of industrial and pharmaceutical importance – examples. Plant Stem Cell applications – cosmetic and therapeutic uses.
Unit V : Project preparation and recent developments
Project preparation for commercial plant tissue culture – management and marketing of TC plants. Recent patent applications in tissue culture – product and process patents. Visit to a commercial plant tissue culture laboratory.


1. Commercial plant tissue culture lab organization- Scope and Importance-overview
2. Micro propagation – plant multiplication, hardening.
3. Low cost alternatives in plant tissue culture.
4. Commercialized photoautotrophic micro propagation-automation technologies-Synthetic seed production.
5. Commercial plant tissue culture and applications-case studies-banana, ornamentals, bamboo
6. Commercial plant tissue culture-sugarcane, plantation and tree crops, potato and medicinal plants.
7. Quality control for plant tissue culture-Virus indexing and Genetic fidelity testing
8. Mid Semester Examination
9. National certification system for TC plants-Guidelines and certification-TCCA, ATLs, TCPUs, TCPFs and RCs.
10. Consortium of micro propagation research-commercial TC labs in India.
11. Packing, transportation and quarantine for tissue cultured plants.
12. Establishment and maintenance of Cell suspension cultures. Hairy root cultures for secondary metabolite production.
13. Bio-reactors – Design, types and considerations
14. Methods to enhance secondary metabolite production – precursor feeding, elicitation, bio-transformation, immobilization, mutagenesis – Scale up through bioreactors.
15. Secondary metabolites of industrial and pharmaceutical importance – examples. Plant Stem Cell applications – cosmetic and therapeutic uses.
16. Project preparation for commercial plant tissue culture – management and marketing of TC plants.
17. Recent patent applications in tissue culture – product and process patents. Visit to a commercial plant tissue culture laboratory.



1. Bhojwani, S.S and Dantu, P. 2013. Plant Tissue Culture – An Introductory Text. Springer Publications
2. Department of Biotechnology (2000) Plant tissue culture: from research to commercialization. A decade of support. Pub. DBT, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India
3. Karl-Hermann Neumann, Ashwani Kumar and JafargholiImani. 2009. Plant Cell and Tissue Culture- A Tool in Biotechnology- Basics and Application. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg
4. Gamborg, O.L and G.C.Philips (eds.). 2013. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ culture-Lab Manual. Springer Science & Business media.
5. Razdan, M.K. 2003. Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture. (II Edn.). Science Publishers Inc, Enfield (NH) U.S.A.
6. Roberta H. Smith, 2013. Plant tissue culture: Techniques and Experiments. Elsevier –Academic Press.
7. Robert E. Bagwill. 2003. The legal aspects of plant tissue culture and patents . Patent and Trademark Office, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20231, U.S.A.
8. George E.F., Hall, M.A. and De Klerk, G.J. 2008. Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture. Agritech. Publ. Herman, E.B. 2005-08. Media and Techniques for Growth, Regeneration and Storage. Agritech Publ.
9. Teng, P.S. 2008. Bioscience Entrepreneurship in Asia. World Scientific.
10. Trigiano, R.N and Gray D.J. 2011.Plant Tissue Culture Development and Biotechnology. CRC Press-Taylor and Francis group.pp.583



1. DBT-NCSTCP guidelines:
2. Commercial Lab:
3. NPTEL-Micropropagation:
5. Cell Cultures:
6. PTC Consumables Company:
7. SPIC biotech:
8. PTC lab supplies:



  1. Minor courses

GPB 604 Cellular And Chromosomal Manipulations in Crop Improvement (2+1)



This course focuses on the advanced techniques in analyzing chromosome structure and manipulations for genome analysis in crop species.



Unit I:

Basics of cell – cell mechanisms – chemical foundations of cell – cell architecture – Prokaryote cells– Eukaryote cells – recent methods to study ultra structure of the cell – Membrane transport systems – cellular communications – evolution of cells and genetics of cell organelles – cell cycles and its control – role of CDK’s and cyclins – cell aging and cell death- Cytogenetic basis of differentiation in crop plants.

Unit II:

Totipotency – morphogenesis: in vivo and in vitro – different pathways of organogenesis and embryogenesis – applications of cellular manipulations – meristem culture – anther and pollen culture – ovule and ovary culture – embryo and endosperm culture – protoplast isolation, culture and fusion – in vitro mutant selection for biotic and abiotic stresses – In vitro germplasm conservation – somaclonal variation.

Unit III:

Organisation and structure of genome; genome size and variation – organelle genome and nuclear DNA organisation – variation in DNA content – AT/GC ratio – C value paradox – fine structure of gene : Introns and extrons – availability and advantages –

repetitive sequences.

Unit IV:

Karyotyping: importance and procedure – chromosome banding – distant hybridisation – barriers in interspecific and intergeneric hybridisation – role of wild species in crop improvement. Role of autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy in crop evolution and crop breeding.

Unit V:

Genome mapping – conventional and molecular based approaches – various types of markers – advantages and disadvantages – integration of classical linkage maps and molecular maps – linkage maps and comparative mapping – study of synteny in crops – physical mapping and techniques involved – transposon tagging – chromosome walking – centromere mapping – genome maps. MAS in introgression breeding and improvement of complex traits – plant gene transfer – Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer – recent approaches – genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and other related areas.



Chromosome banding – advanced techniques in chromosome study – fluorescent microscopy – media preparation – culture of different explants – meristem culture – anther culture – embryo culture – embryo rescue techniques – in vitro mutant selection – genomic DNA isolation – laboratory techniques involved in RFLP analysis – PCR based DNA analysis – techniques of plant gene transfer.



  1. Basics of cell and cell mechanisms. Chemical foundations of cell and cell architecture
  2. Prokaryote cells vs Eukaryote cells: Recent methods to study ultra structure of the cell
  3. Membrane transport systems; Cellular communications
  4. Evolution of cells and genetics of cell organelles
  5. Cell cycles and its control; Role of CDK’s and cyclins – cell aging and cell death
  6. Cytogenetic basis of differentiation in crop plants
  7. Totipotency of cells; Morphogenesis in vivo and in vitro
  8. Different pathways of organogenesis and embryogenesis
  9. Applications of cellular manipulations: Meristem culture in production of disease free


  1. Applications of cellular manipulations: Anther and pollen culture, ovule and ovary


  1. Applications of cellular manipulations: embryo and endosperm culture
  2. Applications of cellular manipulations: protoplast isolation, culture and fusion
  3. Applications of cellular manipulations: in vitro mutant selection for biotic stresses
  4. Applications of cellular manipulations: in vitro mutant selection for abiotic stresses
  5. Applications of cellular manipulations: In vitro germplasm conservation
  6. Applications of cellular manipulations: somaclonal variation
  7. Mid Semester Examination
  8. Organisation and structure of genome: Genome size and variation
  9. Organisation of organelle genome and nuclear DNA
  10. Variation in DNA content – AT/GC ratio; C value paradox
  11. Fine structure of gene; Introns and extrons; availability and advantages
  12. Repetitive sequences and its role in crop evolution
  13. Karyotyping – its importance and procedure; chromosome banding
  14. Distant hybridisation; barriers in interspecific and intergeneric hybridisation; Role of wild species in crop improvement.
  15. Role of autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy in crop evolution and crop breeding
  16. Genome mapping – conventional approaches and molecular based genome mapping
  17. Various types of molecular markers – advantages and disadvantages
  18. Integration of classical linkage maps and molecular maps
  19. Linkage maps and comparative mapping; study of synteny in crops
  20. Physical mapping and techniques involved
  21. Transposon tagging, chromosome walking and centromere mapping
  22. Genome maps and MAS in introgression breeding and for improvement of complex traits
  23. Plant gene transfer: Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer – recent approaches
  24. Genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and other related areas.



  1. Chromosome banding
  2. Fluorescent microscopy – its use in chromosome study and studying fertilization barriers
  3. Media preparation and establishing culture
  4. Cytological observation and chromosomal analysis in cultured cells
  5. Methodologies for meristem culture
  6. Pre-treatment for anther culture and methodologies in anther culture
  7. Embryo culture and embryo rescue techniques
  8. Protoplast isolation methods and fusion techniques
  9. Steps involved in in vitro mutant selection
  10. Steps in RFLP analysis – DNA extraction
  11. Restriction enzyme digestion and Electrophoretic techniques
  12. Southern hybridisation
  13. Polymerase chain reaction techniques
  14. RAPD and its application in mapping
  15. Other PCR based markers and their application in mapping
  16. Techniques of plant gene transfer
  17. Final Practical Examination



  1. Ammirato, P. V., Evans, D. A., Sharp, W. R. and Yamada, Y. (Eds.) 1984. Handbook of

Cell Culture. Vol. 3. Crop Species. Macmillan Publishing Co. New York. Collier

Macmillan Publishers. London. 620pp.

  1. Bhojwani. S. S. ad Razdan, M. K. 1983. Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and Practice.

Elsevier, Amsterdam. 502pp.

  1. Chaleff, R. S. 1981. Genetics of Higher Plants: Applications of Cell Culture. Cambridge

University Press, Cambridge. 184pp.

Clark, M. S and W. J. Wall. 1996. Chromosomes: The complex code. Chapman and Hall,

London. 345p

  1. Evans, D. A., Sharp, W. R. and Ammirato, P. V. (Eds.) 1986. Handbook of Cell Culture.

Vol. 4. Techniques and Applications. Macmillan Publishing Co., New York Collier

Macmillan Publishers London. 697pp.

  1. Foster, G. D and D. Twell. 1996. Plant gene isolation: Principles and practice. John

Wiley & Sons. Chichester. 426p.

  1. Green, C. E. Somers, D. A., Hackett, W. P. and Beisboer, D. D. (Eds) 1987. Plant Tissue

and Cell Culture. Plant Biology. Vol. 3. Alan R. Liss Inc., New York. 509pp.

  1. Gustfson, J. P (Ed.). 1984. Gene Manipulation in Crop Improvement. Plenum Press, New

York. 668p.

  1. Paterson, A. H. (Ed). 1996. Genome Mapping in Plants. R. G. Landes Company, Austin.


  1. Primrose, S. B. 1991. Molecular Biotechnology. Blackwell Scientific Publications,

London. 196p.

  1. Schultz-Schaeffer, J. 1981. Cytogenetics: Plants, animals and human. Springer-Verlag,


  1. Sybenga, 1985. Cytogenetics. Oxford University Press, London


PLP 605 Climate Change and Crop Growth (2+0)



To impart knowledge about climate change and its implication on crop growth.



Unit I : History of Climate Change and Water Cycle

History and evidences of climate change and its implications – International conventions and

initiatives on climate change – Effect of climate change on monsoons, hydrological cycle and water

availability – Impacts of climate change on Indian agriculture.

Unit II : GHG Emission and Ozone Hole

Natural and anthropogenic activities causing greenhouse gases (GHG) production – Influence of

agricultural practices on GHG production – Chemistry of temperature raise and ozone hole

formation by GHG – UV radiation effects on growth, physiological process and yield.

Unit III : Climate Change Drivers and Crop-Pest Interactions

Impact of climate change driver on phenology, distribution, and regeneration biology – Futureproof

crops for improving climate resilience – Projections of climate change effects on crop-weed,

crop-insect and crop-disease interaction.

Unit IV : Effect of Climate Change Drivers on Physiological Processes

Impact of elevated CO2, high temperature, drought, ozone, CH4, SO2, NO2 on phenology and yield

processes – Direct and indirect effects of climate change drivers on net carbon assimilation,

respiration, water relations and yield components – Interactive effect of elevated CO2 and

temperature on crop growth and productivity – Interactive effect of ozone, UV-B, SO2 on crop

growth and productivity.

Unit V : Crop Ecosystem Responses and Mitigation Strategies

Crop ecosystems responses to climate change – rice, wheat, maize, sorghum and millets,

legumes, cotton, sugarcane, mustard, vegetable, fruit and tuber crops – Approaches to improve

the crop adaptation to climate change by agronomic, plant breeding and biotechnological

methods – Carbon sequestration and carbon trading.



  1. History and evidences of climate change and its implications
  2. International conventions and initiatives on climate change
  3. Effect of climate change on monsoons and hydrological cycle
  4. Effect of climate change on water availability
  5. An overview of impacts of climate change on Indian agriculture
  6. Natural and anthropogenic activities causing GHG production
  7. Influence of agricultural practices on GHG production
  8. Chemistry of global warming by GHG and ozone hole formation
  9. Effect of UV radiation on growth, physiological process and yield
  10. Impact of climate change driver on plant phenology, distribution, and regeneration


  1. Future-proof crops: challenges and strategies for climate resilience improvement
  2. Impact of climate change drivers on crop-weed interaction


  1. Impact of climate change drivers on crop-insect interaction
  2. Impact of climate change drivers on crop-disease interaction
  3. An overview of effects of elevated ozone, CH4, SO2, NO2 on phenology and yield


  1. An overview of effects of elevated CO2, drought and high temperature on phenology,

and yield processes

  1. Mid Semester Examination
  2. Direct and indirect effects of climate change drivers on net carbon assimilation and


  1. Direct and indirect effects of climate change on water relations and yield components
  2. Interactive effect of elevated CO2 and temperature on crop growth and productivity
  3. Interactive effect of ozone, UV-B, SO2 on crop growth and productivity
  4. Crop ecosystems responses to climate change – rice
  5. Crop ecosystems responses to climate change – wheat
  6. Crop ecosystems responses to climate change – maize, sorghum and millets
  7. Crop ecosystems responses to climate change – legumes and cotton
  8. Crop ecosystems responses to climate change – sugarcane
  9. Crop ecosystems responses to climate change – Mustard
  10. Crop ecosystems responses to climate change – vegetables and tuber crops
  11. Crop ecosystems responses to climate change – fruits crops
  12. Agronomic approaches to improve the crop adaptation to climate change
  13. Breeding approaches to improve the crop adaptation to climate change
  14. Biotechnological approaches to improve the crop adaptation to climate change
  15. Molecular mechanism of GHG effects on plants
  16. Carbon sequestration and carbon trading



  1. Reddy, K.R., and Hodges, H.F. 2000. Climate Change and Global Crop

Productivity. CABI.

  1. Abrol, Y.P., and Gadgil, S. (Eds.). 1999. Rice in a Changing Climate.
  2. Watson, R.T., Zinyowera, M.C., and Moss, R.H. 1998. The Regional Impacts of Climate

Change – an Assessment of Vulnerability. Cambridge University Press.






PLP 611 Advances In Plant Responses To Abiotic Stresses (2+1)



To apprise the students regarding the physiological and molecular basis of abiotic stress responses in plants.



Unit I : Water Stress

Abiotic stresses – Classification – impact on crop production – Water stress: Water deficit and

excess – Drought stress in plants – Development of water deficits – Physiological processes affected

by drought. Drought tolerance mechanisms – Physiological and morpho-anatomical traits for plant

adaptation to drought. Morpho-physiological responses to drought – Molecular responses of

plants to drought – Stress proteins – ABA mediated signaling and tolerance – antioxidant defenses

against drought stress. Approaches for the development of genotypes tolerant to drought.

Submergence stress / water logging – Plant responses to water logging – Anatomical, morphophysiological alterations – Physiological strategies, hormonal signaling and regulations and ROS metabolism for flooding tolerance. under water logging – Development of genotypes tolerant to

flooding – Molecular breeding.

Unit II : Salt Stress

Salt stress: Classification – Characteristics – Salinity stress: Salinity effects at cellular and whole

plant level. Physiological constraints imposed by salinity. Salinity tolerance – species variation –

Anatomical adaptation. Avoidance and tolerance mechanism of salt stress – SOS pathways and ion

homeostasis – Mechanisms of salt stress sensing and signaling – Key physiological mechanisms

conferring salinity tolerance in plants – Responses of plants under non-optimal soil pH- alkalinity,

sodicity. Molecular responses of plants to salinity – ABA mediated signaling and tolerance.

Approaches for the development of genotypes tolerant to salinity.

Unit III : High Temperature stress

Temperature stress – classification – High temperature/heat stress – Morpho-physiological and

biochemical changes in response to high temperature stress. High temperature stress tolerance

mechanisms – Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) – ROS Scavenging mechanisms. Molecular basis of

thermotolerance – APX, ChyB and CodA genes.

Unit IV : Low Temperature stress

Low temperature stress – chilling stress – Plant responses to chilling temperatures – phase

transition of membranes. Effects of chilling on biochemical and molecular processes – Signal

transduction pathways. Freezing stress – Physiological responses – phase transition – ice

nucleation and super cooling. Low temperature stress tolerance mechanisms – variation in fatty

acid composition – Cryoprotection – Role of ABA, LEA, DHN and antifreeze proteins on cold

tolerance. Molecular basis of freezing tolerance – CBF gene – cold response pathway – ICE1

pathway for cold regulation.

Unit V : Radiation stress

Radiation stress – Introduction – High light intensity –Responses of plants to high light – ROS

production – photo inhibition. Characters of heliophytes and sciophytes. Mechanism of high light

stress tolerance – Anatomical, physiological and molecular basis of adaptations to high light. Low

light intensity- Physiological responses of plant to low light – etiolation, plastid development and

adaptive mechanisms – gene expression. Crosstalk between plant hormones under abiotic

stresses. Heavy-metal stress in plants – Physiological responses and adaptations. Use of

exogenous protectants in mitigating abiotic stress effects in plants.



Stress imposition and quantification: Drought induction using different methods, Determination of

osmotic potential and osmotic adjustment – WUE – aerenchyma cells under flooding stress –

structural carbohydrates- Screening techniques for salt tolerance – Estimation of sodium

potassium ratios – antioxidant enzyme systems – lipid peroxidation – CSI and Sullivan’s heat

tolerance test/Membrane integrity – chlorophylls under high and low light conditions -Estimation

of GABA content – desaturase enzyme – Gene expression analysis in stress affected plants using

RT-PCR- Phenotyping approaches for water and salt stress – Bioinformatics platforms for sequence

and structure analysis of stress proteins.



  1. Abiotic stresses – Classification – impact on crop production – Water stress: Water

deficit and excess – Drought stress in plants – Development of water deficits –

Physiological processes affected by drought.

  1. Drought tolerance mechanisms: Postponement, avoidance and tolerance –

Understanding the physiological and morpho-anatomical traits for plant adaptation to

drought – phenology, root system, anatomical modifications to reduce water loss.

  1. Physiological responses of plants to drought – oxidative damage – ROS scavenging

system, Osmoprotectants – osmotic adjustment – chlorophyll fluorescence and

reflection indices,

  1. Effective use of water/WUE – Carbon isotope discrimination, nutrient uptake and


  1. Molecular responses of plants to drought – Stress proteins – ABA mediated signaling

and tolerance – antioxidant defenses against drought stress.

  1. Approaches for the development of genotypes tolerant to drought – Molecular


  1. Biotechnological approaches to improving drought tolerance- Identification of

candidate for water stress tolerance

  1. Submergence stress / flooding / waterlogging – Plant responses to waterlogging –

morphological and anatomical alterations – Physiology and metabolism – Nutrient

uptake and transport.

  1. Plant’s adaptation to waterlogging – Physiological strategies and hormonal signaling

and regulations for flooding tolerance – Phytohormone-mediated stomatal response,

escape and quiescence strategies in plants under flooding stress.

  1. ROS metabolism under waterlogging – antioxidant defense – signal transduction

pathways that regulate hypoxia responses – Development of genotypes tolerant to

flooding – Molecular breeding.

  1. Salt stress: Classification – Characteristics – Salinity stress: Salinity effects at cellular

and whole plant level.

  1. Physiological constraints imposed by salinity – impact on plant growth, osmotic stress,

ionic imbalance, oxidative stress – metabolic disturbances – photosynthesis, Na+

toxicity, Cl- toxicity.

  1. Salinity tolerance – species variation – genetic variability, salt glands and bladders,

changes in the root anatomy, control over leaf transpiration.

  1. Avoidance and tolerance mechanism of salt stress – SOS pathways and ion homeostasis

– Mechanisms of salt stress sensing and signaling – Key physiological mechanisms

conferring salinity tolerance in plants- salt exclusion, extrusion and sequestration


  1. Responses of plants under non-optimal soil pH- alkalinity, sodicity.
  2. Molecular responses of plants to salinity – ABA mediated signaling and tolerance
  3. Mid Semester Examination
  4. Approaches for the development of genotypes tolerant to salinity – Molecular breeding
  5. Biotechnological approaches to improving salinity tolerance- Identification of

candidate genes for salt stress tolerance.

  1. Temperature stress – classification – High temperature/heat stress – Morphophysiological

and biochemical changes in response to high temperature – effect on

membrane property and photosynthesis

  1. Response of plants to high temperature – photosynthetic machinery – pigments,

photosyntem I & II, electron transport chain, oxygen evolving complex, thylakoid

membranes – CO2 fixation, stomatal activity – production of reactive oxygen species.

  1. High temperature stress tolerance mechanisms – membrane state, structure and

composition, role of osmolytes – Membrane stability – cytosol Ca signaling

  1. High temperature tolerance mechanisms – Heat-shock proteins (HSPs), – ROS

Scavenging mechanisms – enzymatic and non enzymatic detoxification of ROS.

Molecular basis of thermo tolerance – APX, ChyB and CodA genes.

  1. Low temperature stress – chilling stress – Plant responses to chilling temperatures –

stunted stature, chilling injuries – phase transition of membranes – altered


  1. Effects of chilling on biochemical and molecular processes – photosynthesis – lipids –

sugars – compatible solutes – ROS – stress-related proteins.

  1. Signal transduction pathways in response to chilling – calcium, protein kinases/protein

phosphatases, lipid signaling, reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide.

  1. Freezing stress – Physiological responses – phase transition – ice nucleation and super

cooling – Low temperature stress tolerance mechanisms – variation in fatty acid

composition – Cryoprotection – Role of ABA, LEA and DHN – antifreeze proteins on cold


  1. Molecular basis of freezing tolerance – CBF gene – cold response pathway – ICE1

pathway for cold regulation.

  1. Radiation stress – Introduction –High light intensity –Responses of plants to high light –

ROS production – photo inhibition – photo oxidation. Characters of heliophytes and


  1. Mechanism of high light stress tolerance – Anatomical, physiological and molecular

basis of adaptations to high light –

  1. Low light intensity- Physiological responses of plant to low light – etiolation, plastid

development and adaptive mechanisms – gene expression – Phytochromes and


  1. Crosstalk between plant hormones under abiotic stresses.
  2. Heavy-metal stress in plants – Physiological responses and adaptations.
  3. Use of exogenous protectants in mitigating abiotic stress effects in plants




  1. Drought induction using different methods
  2. Determination of osmotic potential and osmotic adjustment
  3. Determination of water use efficiency at single leaf and whole plant level.
  4. Study of aerenchyma cells under flooding stress
  5. Estimation of structural carbohydrate contents under flooding stress
  6. Screening techniques for salt tolerance – Hydroponics and pot culture experiments to

induce salt stress

  1. Estimation of sodium potassium ratios in leaves and roots of plants under salt stress
  2. Estimation of antioxidant enzyme systems under different stresses
  3. Determination of lipid peroxidation by estimating MDA content
  4. Assessment of high temperature tolerance – CSI and Sullivan’s heat tolerance

test/Membrane integrity

  1. Observation and estimation of chlorophylls in leaves under high and low light


  1. Estimation of GABA content
  2. Estimation of desaturase enzyme activity
  3. Genomic/plasmid DNA/RNA isolation – Gene expression analysis in stress affected

plants using RT-PCR

  1. Assessing plant stress indices using Chlorophyll fluorescence
  2. Phenotyping approaches for water and salt stress
  3. Final Practical Examination



  1. Parvaiz Ahmad, M.M. Azooz, M.N.V. Prasad. 2013. Salt Stress in Plants- Signalling,

Omics and Adaptations. Springer Science+Business Media New York.

  1. S. M. Zargar, M. Y. Zargar (eds.), 2018. Abiotic Stress-Mediated Sensing and Signaling

in Plants: An Omics Perspective,

Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

  1. J.M. Al-Khayri et al. (eds.), 2013. Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Agronomic,

Abiotic and Biotic Stress Traits, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-22518-0_1. Springer

International Publishing Switzerland.

  1. Sergey Shabala. 2017. Plant Stress Physiology, 2nd Edition. CAB International.UK
  2. Ammar El-Akhdar, 2010. Advances in molecular breeding towards drought and salt

tolerant crops.

  1. Madhava Rao KV, Raghavendra, AS and Janardhan Reddy K. 2006. Physiology and

Molecular Biology of Stress Tolerance in Plants.






PLP 603 Molecular Approaches For Improving Physiological Traits (2+0)



To impart knowledge to improve the physiological traits using molecular approaches; To understand the principles and methods of breeding and molecular genetics of crop improvement.



Unit I : Physiological traits and phenotyping

Physiological traits – Major physiological process and metabolisms –Growth – Photosynthesis –

Water Use Efficiency – Nutrient Use Efficiency – Trait based breeding – Advantages -Phenotyping

of large germplasm -Concept of segregation, independent assortment and linkage.

Unit II : Development of Mapping populations

Concept of molecular markers – Types of marker systems – Development of mapping populations

– Advantages of association mapping – concept of linkage, LD decay and population structure –

Statistical analysis for phenotypic and molecular data. Assessment of genetic parameters –

Strategies for QTL introgression – Marker Assisted Selection (MAS). Map based cloning – novel

genes – Allele mining.

Unit III : Transgenic approaches

Introduction to GMOs – application in crop improvement – gene mining – sequence structure –

function analysis – bioinformatics tools, identification of candidate genes for various physiological

process associated with specific traits -potential benefits of transgenic crops.

Unit IV : Gene cloning and transformation

Cloning full-length candidate genes – stress inducible promoters – strategies – gene stackingtissue

specific expression –functional validation of genes -Transformation of crop plants-

Agrobacterium -particle gun – scorable and selectable markers.

Unit V : Evaluation of transgenics and Bio-safety regulations

Selection of transformants- molecular analysis – qRT-PCR – Southern – Northern analysis –

immunoassays -estimation of copy number – Evaluation of transgenics on the basis of gene

function. Generation of T1 populations – event characterization -Issues related to Bio-safety and

Registration of Transgenic Agricultural Organisms- methods to detect GMOs.



  1. Physiological traits with relevance to growth and development.
  2. Physiological traits associated with photosynthetic parameters
  3. Physiological traits associated with abiotic stress tolerance and nutrient acquisition.
  4. Approaches for accurate phenotyping of large germplasm accessions and/or mapping populations.
  5. The advantages of “Trait based” breeding approaches and its advantages.
  6. Concept of segregation, independent assortment and linkage.
  7. The concept of molecular markers, various types of Dominant and Co-dominant marker systems.
  8. Relevance and development of mapping populations
  9. Genetic analysis using marker systems.
  10. Advantages of association mapping and the concept of linkage, LD decay and

population structure.

  1. Statistical analysis to assess the variance in phenotypic traits and molecular data.
  2. Assessment of genetic parameters such as heritability, genetic advance etc.
  3. Strategies for QTL introgression and Marker Assisted Selection (MAS).
  4. Map based cloning of novel genes and alleles.
  5. Allele mining
  6. Transgenic approach in improving physiological processes- Introduction to GMOs and

application in crop improvement

  1. Mid Semester Examination
  2. Gene mining, sequence structure & function analysis using bioinformatics tools.
  3. Identification of candidate genes associated with photosynthetic efficiency
  4. Identification of candidate genes associated with water use efficiency
  5. Identification of candidate genes associated with nutrient acquisition.
  6. Cloning full-length candidate genes.
  7. Promoters : Types; Markers : Selectable and scorable markers.
  8. Strategies to clone and characterize and make constructs for specific crops.
  9. Gene stacking strategies and tissue specific expression and functional validation of


  1. Transformation of crop plants –Vectors and direct Agrobacterium based transformation.
  2. Transformation of crop plants – Particle gun transformation
  3. Selection of transformants- molecular analysis on the basis of qRT – PCR, Southern,

Northern analysis and immunoassays.

  1. Estimation of copy number.
  2. Concept of desirable number of independent events.
  3. Evaluation of transgenics on basis of empirical/physiological/biochemical process

under specific conditions on the basis of gene function.

  1. Generation of T1 populations, event characterization and generation of molecular data

as per the regulatory requirements.

  1. Issues related to Biosafety and Registration of Transgenic Agricultural Organisms.
  2. Methods to detect GMOs from agricultural products.



  1. Arbind,K. Choudhary et al., 2018. Integrated Physiological and Molecular approaches

to improvement of abiotic stress tolerance in pulse crops of semi-arid tropics. The crop

Journal, 6(2).

  1. NishanthBhanu et al., 2016. Molecular mapping and breeding of Physiological traits.

Advances in Plant and Agriculture Research. 3(6).

  1. Allele mining – an approach to discover allelic variation in crops. 2017. Editors.

Bhanu,Singh and Hemantharaj.







PAT 604 Molecular Basis of Host-Pathogen Interaction (2+1)



To understand the concepts of molecular biology and biotechnology in relation to host-pathogen




Unit I :

Molecular basis of host-pathogen interactions-pathogen virulence, aggressiveness, regulation of

infection processes-cAMP signaling and MAP kinase pathways-genetics of virulencepathogenicity

genes in plant pathogens, toxins-mode of action-role of toxins in disease development- cell wall -and cutin-degrading enzymes, hormones, extracellular polysaccharides variability in plant pathogens, mechanisms of variability, physiological races of pathogens

Unit II :

Host plant resistance-vertical and horizontal resistance, non-host resistance-recognition system,

elicitors-endogenous and exogenous elicitors, general and race-specific elicitors-receptor sites

for elicitor, chemical nature of elicitors-signal transduction- intracellular signal transduction second

messenger systems-calcium ion- protein kinases- phospholipases- proton pump- ATPases-G-proteins- H2O2- ethylene- systemic signal transduction- oligogalacuronides- salicylic acid-jasmonic acid- ethylene- abscissic acid-signal crosstalk, signal molecules, quorum sensing suppressors

Unit III :

Genetics of disease resistance- Gene-for-gene theory, avirulence (avr) genes, characteristics of

avr gene-coded proteins, hrp genes, protein-for-protein, Resistance (R) genes of plants, R -gene

expression and transcription profiling, mapping and cloning of resistance genes, structure and

classes of resistance genes, genomic organization of resistance genes

Unit IV :

Host defence mechanisms, morphological and anatomical resistance, phytoanticipins-phenolics,

glucosinolates, cyanogenic glucosides, saponins, steroid alkaloids, dienes, induced structural

and biochemical defences- cell wall modifications-papilla-callose deposition, HRGP

accumulation-lignification-suberization – phytoalexins, defence -related proteins, hypersensitive

reaction and its mechanisms, reactive oxygen species, systemic acquired resistance

Unit V :

Biotechnology and disease management-Different methods of Gene transfer-development of

disease resistance plants using genetic engineering approaches; fungal resistance-resistance

genes, antifungal protein genes-chitinase, glucanase, TLP, RIP, Thionins, lipid transfer proteins,

antimicrobial peptides, expression of phytoalexins, detoxification genes, peroxidase,

polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein, NPR1 protein; bacterial resistance-lytic peptides,

lysozymes, detoxification genens, cloned resistance genes, plant defense genes; Virus resistancepathogen-

derived resistance- coat protein, movement protein, replicase, satellite RNA, RNA

silencing, antibody-based resistance, cloned resistance genes, antiviral protein genes; biosafety

issues related to GM crops.



Isolation of elicitor from fungal mycelium, Purification of elicitor, Isolation and purification of toxin,

Estimation of total phenols, Assay of PAL and PO, Estimation of lignin content, Analysis of PR–

proteins by SDS-PAGE, Assay of β-1, 3 – glucanase activity, Assay of chitinase activity, Purification

of chitinase, Western blot analysis of defense-related proteins, Isolation of DNA and analysis,

Isolation of RNA and analysis, Extraction of plasmids, Bacterial transformation, Cloning and

characterization of defense related genes



  1. Molecular basis of host-pathogen interaction- pathogen virulence, aggressiveness
  2. Regulation of infection processes – cAMP signaling and MAP kinase pathways
  3. Pathogenicity genes in plant pathogens – toxins- toxins-mode of action-role of toxins in

disease development

  1. Pathogenicity genes in plant pathogens-cell wall and cutin-degrading enzymes,


  1. Extracellular polysaccharides
  2. Variability in plant pathogens- mechanisms of variability and physiological races of


  1. Host plant resistance-vertical and horizontal resistance, non-host resistance
  2. Elicitors-endogenous and exogenous elicitors, general and race-specific elicitors
  3. Chemical nature of elicitors
  4. Receptor sites for elicitors
  5. Signal transduction- intracellular signal transduction- second messenger systemscalcium

ion- protein kinases- phospholipases- proton pump- ATPases- G-proteins-

H2O2- ethylene-

  1. Systemic signal transduction- oligogalacuronides- salicylic acid- jasmonic acidethylene-

abscissic acid

  1. Signal crosstalk and Quorum sensing
  2. Suppressors
  3. Genetics of disease resistance- Gene-for-gene theory
  4. Avirulence (avr) genes, characteristics of avr gene-coded proteins, hrp genes,
  5. Mid Semester Examination
  6. Resistance (R) genes of plants, R-gene expression and transcription profiling
  7. Mapping and cloning of resistance genes
  8. Structure and classes of resistance genes, genomic organization of resistance genes
  9. Host defence mechanisms- morphological and anatomical resistance- Phytoanticipinsphenolics,

glucosinolates, cyanogenic glucosides, saponins, steroid alkaloids, dienes,

  1. Induced structural and biochemical defences- cell wall modifications-papilla-callose

deposition, HRGP accumulation-lignification-suberization

  1. phytoalexins
  2. Defense-related proteins
  3. Hypersensitive reaction and its mechanisms
  4. Reactive oxygen species
  5. Systemic acquired resistance
  6. Biotechnology and disease management-Different methods of Gene transfer
  7. Transgenic plants with fungal resistance- cloned resistance genes, antifungal protein

genes-chitinase, glucanase, TLP, RIP, Thionins, lipid transfer proteins, antimicrobial


  1. Expression of phytoalexins, detoxification genes, peroxidise, polygalacturonaseinhibiting

protein, NPR1 protein

  1. Bacterial resistance-lytic peptides, lysozymes, detoxification genens, cloned resistance

genes, plant defense genes

  1. Virus resistance-pathogen-derived resistance- coat protein, movement protein,

replicase, satellite RNA, RNA silencing,

33 & 34 Antibody-based resistance, cloned resistance genes, antiviral protein genes and

Biosafety issues related to GM crops.



  1. Isolation of elicitor from fungal mycelium
  2. Purification of elicitor
  3. Isolation and purification of toxin
  4. Estimation of total phenols
  5. Assay of PAL and PO
  6. Estimation of lignin content
  7. Analysis of PR– proteins by SDS-PAGE
  8. Assay of β-1, 3 – glucanase activity
  9. Assay of chitinase activity
  10. Purification of chitinase
  11. Western blot analysis of defense-related proteins
  12. Isolation of DNA and analysis
  13. Isolation of RNA and analysis
  14. Extraction of plasmids
  15. Bacterial transformation
  16. Cloning and characterization of defense related genes
  17. Final Practical Examination




1.Datta, S.K. and Muthukrishnan, S. 1999. Pathogenesis- Related Proteins in Plants, CRC

Press, Florida, USA, p. 291

2.Goodman, R.N., Kiraly, Z. and Wood, K.R. 1986. The Biochemistry and physiology of

plant diseases. University of Missouri Press, Columbia, MO, USA pp. 433.

3.Gurr, S.J. Mc Pherson, M.J. and Bowles, D.J. 1992. Molecular Plant Pathology: A Practical

approach Vol. II. IRL Press, Oxford, England, p. 304.

4.Punja, Z.K. 2004. Fungal Disease Resistance in Plants – Biochemistry, Molecular Biology

and Genetic Engineering, Food Products Press (Haworth Press), New York, p. 266.

5.Punja, Z.K., De Boer, S.H., Sanfacon, H.2008. Biotechnology and Plant Disease

Management, CABI Publishing, P. 574.

6.Vidhyasekaran, P. 1988. Physiology of disease resistance in plants. Vol. I. CRC Press,

Florida, p. 149.

7.Vidhyasekaran, P. 1988. Physiology of disease resistance in plants. Vol. II. CRC Press,

Florida, p. 127.

8.Vidhyasekaran, P. 1997. Fungal pathogenesis in plants and crops: Molecular biology

and host defense mechanisms. Marcel Dekker, New York p. 553.

  1. Chet I. 1993. Biotechnology in Plant Disease Control. Jhon Wiley & Sons, New York.
  2. Mathew JD. 2003. Molecular Plant Pathology.Bios Scientific Publ.,UK.

11.Ronald PC. 2007. Plant-Pathogen Interactions: Methods in Molecular Biology.Humana

Press, New Jersey.





III. Supporting Courses

GPB 601 Plant Genetic Resources and Their Utilization (2+0)



To provide information about Plant Genetic Resources exploration, collection, evaluation,

documentation, maintenance and use of plant genetic resources for crop improvement.


Unit I :

Historical perspectives and need for PGR conservation; Importance of plant genetic resources;

Taxonomical classification of cultivated plants; Gene pool: primary, secondary and tertiary;

Centres of origin and global pattern of diversity; Principles, strategies and practices of

exploration, collection, characterization, evaluation and cataloging of PGR; Plant quarantine and

phytosanitary certification; Germplasm introduction and exchange. Germplasm conservation- in

situ, ex situ, and on-farm; short, medium and long term conservation strategies for conservation

of orthodox seed and vegetatively propagated crops; Registration of plant genetic resources.

Principles of in vitro and cryopreservation.

Unit II :

PGR data base management; Multivariate and clustering analysis, descriptors; National and

international protocols for PGR management; PGR for food and agriculture (PGRFA); PGR access

and benefit sharing; Role of CGIAR system in the germplasm exchange.

Unit III :

Journey from wild to domestication; Genetic enhancement- need for genetic enhancement;

Genetic enhancement in pre Mendelian era and 21st century; Genetic enhancement and plant

breeding; Reasons for failure in genetic enhancement; Sources of genes/ traits- novel genes for

quality. Distant Hybridization: Inter-specific, inter-generic hybridization, scope and limitations,

techniques to overcome the limitations, Post-genomic tools for genetic enhancement of


Unit IV :

Utilization of genetic resources, concept of core and mini-core collections, genetic

enhancement/Prebreeding for crop improvement including hybrid development- Use of

Genomic tools in PGR management, Economic evaluation of biodiversity conservation and

biodiversity assessment.

Unit V :

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) – issues and concerns – PGR – Plant Breeders’ rights – Farmers’

rights – PGR in strengthening Plant Breeding research system. Implications of World Trade

Organisations (WTO), General Agreement on Trade and Tariff (GATT), Trade Related Intellectual

Property Rights (TRIPs), Plant Variety Protection (PVP) and Convention on Biological Diversity

(CBD) on PGR.



  1. Historical perspectives and need for PGR conservation and importance of plant genetic


  1. Taxonomical classification of cultivated plants
  2. Gene pool: primary, secondary and tertiary
  3. Centres of origin and global pattern of crop diversity
  4. Basic genetic resources and need for transgenes
  5. Exploration, collection, characterization, evaluation and cataloging of PGR
  6. Plant quarantine and phytosanitary certification
  7. Germplasm introduction and exchange
  8. In vitro conservation of PGR and status cryopreservation techniques
  9. Germplasm conservation- in situ, ex situ, and on-farm strategies
  10. Registration of plant genetic resources: Need and procedures
  11. PGR data base management: Taxonomical Plant descriptors
  12. National and international protocols for PGR management
  13. PGR for food and agriculture: PGR access and benefit sharing
  14. Role of CGIAR system in the germplasm conservation and exchange
  15. Exploitation of landraces and wild relatives in genetic enhancement of crops
  16. Mid Semester Examination
  17. Impediments in using landraces and wild relatives in genetic enhancement
  18. Need for novel genes for genetic enhancement of crop species: Pros and cons
  19. Wide hybridization as a tool of genetic enhancement- Success stories in crops for

enhanced yield and quality

  1. Plant genome projects and their implications on the exploitation PGR
  2. PGR as a source for gene identification and transfer to cultivated crops
  3. PGR and genomics in future crop improvement
  4. Maintenance of core and mini-core collections of PGR
  5. Economic evaluation of biodiversity conservation and biodiversity assessment
  6. Who owns the plant genetic resources
  7. Plant Breeders’ Rights, Farmers’ Rights in the context of using PGR
  8. Legislations and Acts associated with PGR
  9. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) – issues and concerns associated with PGR use
  10. Plant Breeders’ rights – Farmers’ rights and PGR
  11. Use of Genomic tools in PGR management
  12. Implications of World Trade Organizations (WTO), General Agreement on Trade and

Tariff (GATT) on PGR exchange

  1. Convention on Biological Diversity and PGR
  2. Indian Plant Variety Protection Bill and Biodiversity Bill- An analysis



  1. Frankel OH & Bennett E. 1970. Genetic Resources in Plants – their Exploration and

Conservation. Blackwell.

  1. Gautam PL, Dass BS, Srivastava U & Duhoon SS. 1998. Plant Germplasm Collecting:

Principles and Procedures. NBPGR, New Delhi.

  1. Painting KA, Perry MC, Denning RA & Ayad WG. 1993. Guide Book for Genetic

Resources Documentation. IPGRI, Rome, Italy.

  1. Paroda RS & Arora RK. 1991. Plant Genetic Resources, Conservation and Management.

Concepts and Approaches. IPGRI Regional office for South and South Asia, New Delhi.

  1. Puzone L & Hazekamp TH. 1996. Characterization and Documentation of Genetic Resources Utilizing Multimedia Database. NBPGR, New Delhi.
  2. Rana RS, Sapra RL, Agrawal RC & Gambhir R. 1991. Plant Genetic Resources, Documentation and Information Management. NBPGR, New Delhi.
  3. Singh RJ & Jauhar PP. 2005. Genetic Resources, Chromosomal Engineering and Crop Improvement. Vol. I. Grain Legumes, Vol. II. Cereals. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA.



AGM 605 Microbial Gene Technology (2+1)



To make students familiarize with microbial genomes for use in recombinant DNA technology.



Unit I : Introduction

Molecular concepts in microbial genetics – genetic elements – Molecular aspects of gene

expression – genotypic and phenotypic variation – regulation of gene expression – ‘Lac’ operon

and operon models.

Unit II : Molecular analysis-I

Development of microbial molecular biology – tools and techniques-extra chromosomal and

chromosomal DNAs – Analysis of DNA-Electrophoresis – DNA manipulative enzymes – Polymerase

Chain Reaction (PCR) – different versions of PCR- application of PCR methods

Unit III : Gene recombinant technology

Cloning vectors based on plasmids, phages, cosmids – construction of recombinant DNA

molecules-Introduction of recombinant DNA into bacterial cells- Transformation, transduction,

conjugation, electroporation.

Unit IV : Construction of DNA library

Construction of genomic library and cDNA library – Identification of correct clone through

primers, probes & antibodies – DNA sequencing – Methods in Genome sequencing – expression

of cloned genes in homologous & heterologous hosts – 16S rRNA, molecular markers, GFP, lacZ,


Unit V : Molecular analysis-II

Application in microbial taxonomy and ecology – Expression in recipient cell – methods of scoring

markers – DNA hybridization, southern blotting, western – western blot techniques – screening

for DNA polymorphism – RAPD- VNTRs- SSRs- Gene tagging and techniques for DNA finger




Isolation of bacterial genomic DNA – Isolation of plasmid DNA from bacteria – Agarose gel

electrophoresis of DNA – Restriction digestion of DNA -Restriction mapping – Ligation of DNA

molecules – Microbial DNA amplification by PCR, random primers, specific primers –

Transformation of E.coli-screening of transformants – expression of cloned genes in E.coli plasmid

curing in beneficial microbes-bacterial conjugation- transposon mutagenesis- lysogenic

and lytic phage-phage DNA isolation.



  1. Microbial genetics – Genetic elements in microbes
  2. Tools & techniques for molecular biology
  3. Genetic and phenotypic variation
  4. Molecular aspects of gene expression
  5. lac operon and other operon models, fine structure
  6. Types of plasmids and plasmid controlled characters
  7. Conjugation and fertility factor in bacteria
  8. Transposons mutagenesis
  9. Bacterial transformation – theory and concept
  10. Mapping of genes by transformation
  11. Transduction – Generalized and specialized transduction
  12. Mutation in microorganisms – spontaneous and induced
  13. Mutagens – mechanism, mutation frequency & and reversion
  14. Preparation of DNA from microbial cells
  15. DNA manipulative enzymes
  16. Plasmids as cloning vectors for E. coli
  17. Mid Semester Examination
  18. Bacteriophages as cloning vectors for E. coli
  19. Cloning vectors for other microbes
  20. Polymerase Chain Reaction
  21. Construction of genomic library and cDNA Library
  22. Direct and indirect selection of clones
  23. DNA analysis for clone identification
  24. Protein analysis for clone identification
  25. Studies on the cloned genes
  26. Genome structure and genome sequencing
  27. DNA sequence analysis- Chemical and enzymatic methods
  28. Methods of scoring markers.
  29. DNA hybridization techniques – southern, northern and western blot.
  30. Screening for polymorphism – RFLP, AFLP, UNTRS etc.,
  31. Gene expression vectors
  32. Production of recombinant proteins in E.coli
  33. Production of recombinant proteins in eukaryotic cells
  34. Problems with the production of recombinant proteins



  1. Isolation of bacterial genomic DNA
  2. Isolation of plasmid DNA from E. coli
  3. Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA
  4. Plasmid curing in bacteria
  5. Conjugation in bacteria
  6. Induction of mutation in microbes by Chemical agents
  7. Induction of mutation in microbes by physical agents
  8. Restriction digestion of plasmid and genomic DNA
  9. Size determination of DNA molecules
  10. Restriction mapping
  11. Elution of DNA from Agarose gel
  12. Ligation of DNA molecules
  13. Preparation of E.coli competent cells
  14. Transformation of E.coli -lacZ selection of recombinant E.coli
  15. Expression of cloned gene in E. coli (SDS-PAGE of proteins)
  16. Microbial DNA amplification by PCR
  17. Final Practical Examination



  1. Ausubel. F.M., R.Brent, R.E.Kingston, D.D.Moore, J.G.Seidman, J.A.Smith and K. Struhl.


  1. Short Protocols in Molecular Biology. Fourth Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.
  2. Brown. T.A. 2001. Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction. Fourth Edition.

Blackwell Science Inc., Oxford, UK.

  1. Primrose. S., R. Twyman and B. Old. 2001. Principles of Gene Manipulation. Sixth
  2. Sambrook, J., E.F. Fritsch and T. Maniatis. 2000. Molecular Cloning: A laboratory

Manuel. Hird Edition. Cold Spring Harbor Press, New York.

  1. Streips, U.N. and R.E. Yasbin. 2006. Modern Microbial Genetics. Wiley – Liss. John

Wiley & sons, Inc. Publication, NY.



ENT 608 Advanced Host Plant Resistance (1+1)



To familiarize the students with recent advances in resistance of plants to insects and acquaint with

the techniques for assessment and evaluation of resistance in crop plants.



Unit I :

Importance of plant resistance, historical perspective, desirable morphological, anatomical and

biochemical adaptations of resistance; assembly of plant species – gene pool; insect sources –

behaviour in relation to host plant factors.

Unit II :

Physical and chemical environment conferring resistance in plants, role of trypsin inhibitors and

protease inhibitors in plant resistance; biochemistry of induced resistance – signal transduction

pathways, methyl jasmonate pathways, polyphenol oxidase pathways, salicylic acid pathways;

effects of induced resistance; exogenous application of elicitors.

Unit III :

Biotechnological approaches in host plant resistance- genetic manipulation of secondary plant

substances; incorporation of resistant gene in crop varieties; marker-aided selection in resistance


Unit IV :

Estimation of plant resistance based on plant damage- screening and damage rating; evaluation

based on insect responses;

Unit V :

Techniques and determination of categories of plant resistance; breakdown of resistance in crop




Understanding mechanisms of resistance for orientation, feeding, oviposition etc., allelochemical

bases of insect resistance; macroculturing of test insects like aphids, leaf/plant hoppers, mites and

stored grain pests; field screening- microplot techniques, infester row technique, spreader row

technique and plant nurseries; determination of antixenosis index, antibiosis index, tolerance

index, plant resistance index.



  1. Importance of plant resistance – Historical perspective.
  2. Mechanisms of resistance – Desirable morphological adaptation of resistance.
  3. Desirable anatomical and biochemical adaptations of resistance.
  4. Assembly of plant species – gene pool – wild relatives of select crops.
  5. Behaviour of insects in relation to the host plant factors.
  6. Bio-physical and bio-chemical basis for resistance in plants.
  7. Role of enzyme inhibitors – trypsin inhibitors and protease in plant resistance.
  8. Mid Semester Examination
  9. Biochemistry of induced resistance.
  10. Synthesis of secondary metabolites in plants – signals transduction pathways – methyl

jasmonate pathways.

  1. Poly phenol oxidase pathways salicylic acid pathways – effects of induced resistance –

exogenous applications of elicitors.

  1. Biotechnological approaches in host plant resistance – genetic manipulations of

secondary plant substances.

  1. Incorporation of resistance gene in crop varieties.
  2. Marker – aided selection in resistance breeding.
  3. Estimation of plant resistance based on plant damage – screening and damage rating;
  4. Evaluation based on insect responses techniques and determination of categories of

plant resistance.

  1. Break down of resistance in crop varieties



  1. Lab experiments to understand resistance of plant for orientation
  2. Lab experiment to understand resistance of plants for feeding
  3. Laboratory experiment to understand the resistance of the plants for oviposition.
  4. Laboratory experiment to know the allelo chemical bases of insect’s resistance through


  1. Mass culturing of phytophagous insects – leaf and plant hoppers
  2. Mass culturing of phytophagous insects – mites and stored grain pests
  3. Field screening and estimation of plant resistance based on plant damage(rice, cotton)
  4. Microplot techniques to estimate plant resistance based on plant damage (Rice)
  5. Screening techniques in rice for resistance to lepidopterous pests
  6. No choice and multiple choice tests for feeding and oviposition (Spodoptera litura,

white fly)

  1. Seedling box screening and field screening with infester row
  2. Screening plant nurseries – spreader row techniques
  3. Determination of FPLI, anti xenosis index, antibiosis index and tolerance index – rice


  1. Determination of FPLI, anti xenosis index, antibiosis index and tolerance index – rice


  1. Determination of FPLI, anti xenosis index, antibiosis index and tolerance index – rice


  1. Visit to National/ International Institutes in India
  2. Final Practical Examination



  1. Panda N. 1979. Principles of Host Plant Resistance to Insects. Allenheld, Osum & Co., New


  1. Rosenthal GA & Janzen DH. (Eds.). 1979. Herbivores – their Interactions with Secondary

Plant Metabolites. Vol. I, II. Academic Press, New York.

  1. Sadasivam S & Thayumanavan B. 2003. Molecular Host Plant Resistance to Pests. Marcel

Dekker, New York.

  1. Smith CM, Khan ZR & Pathak MD. 1994. Techniques for Evaluating Insect Resistance in

Crop Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

  1. Chelliah, S. and S. Uthamasamy (Eds) 1995. Host Plant Resistance to Pests : Principles

and Practices, APC Publications Private Limited., New Delhi

  1. Dhaliwal. G. S. and V. K. Dilwari (Eds) 1993. Advances in Host Plant Resistance to

Insects. Kalyani publishers, New Delhi 443p.

  1. Panda. N. and G. S. Khush 1995. Host Plant Resistance to Insects CAB. International in

Association with International Rice Research Institute, Philippines, 426p

  1. Painter, R. H 1951. Insects Resistance in Crop Plants Macmillan, New York, 520p



MAT 604 Mathematical Modeling In Agricultural Sciences (1+1)


To Provide a good understanding of Mathematical modeling techniques and their various

applications in Agricultural research.


Unit I : Matrices

Review of matrix Algebra – Matrix-Types – Algebra of matrices – inverse of a matrix by adjoint

method – Solving simultaneous equations using matrix inverse and Cramer’s rule-Leslie matrix –

simple applications in Population Dynamics.

Unit II : Calculus

Differentiation – definition – methods of differentiation – Partial differentiation –Increasing and

decreasing function-Maxima and minima of single and several variables without constraints.

Integration – methods of integration (method of substitution, method of partial fractions) and

Integration by parts (simple problems). Formation – First order: Variable separable – Homogenous – Linear Differential Equations – Second order differential equation with constant coefficient with RHS x n e and x  Growth rate – Relative growth rate – Application of calculating integration in area, volume and surface area – Estimating growth function from growth rate and relative growth rates.

Unit III : Mathematical models

Systems – Definitions – Components of a system – Modeling approach – Different kinds of

models – Mathematical model – their classification and properties – Simulation – Definition –


Unit IV : Growth models and spacing models

Growth Models – uses in Agriculture – Linear – Stage wise – Exponential – Logistic – Richards –

Gempertz and Mitcherlich

Unit V : Response models

Yield response models in single and multiple inputs – Quadratic – Square root – Mitcherlich’s

response models – single input – Quadratic and square response models for several inputs –

Estimating physical and Economic optimum.



Problems in Algebra of matrices – inverse of a matrix by adjoint method – Solving simultaneous

equations using matrix inverse and Cramer’s rule. Leslie matrix – simple applications in

Population Dynamics. Problems in Differentiation- methods of differentiation- Partial

differentiation – increasing and decreasing function-Maxima and minima of single and several

variables without constraints. Problems in Integration method of substitution, method of partial

fractions and Integration by parts (simple problems). Problems in First order differential

equations – Variable separable – Homogenous – Linear Differential Equations – Second order

differential equation with constant coefficient with RHS x n e and x Problems in Growth rate –

Relative growth rate, Application of calculating integration in area, volume and surface area –

Estimating growth function from growth rate and relative growth rates. Problems in Mathematical

model – their classification and properties – Simulation – Examples – Growth Models – Linear –

Stage wise – Exponential – Logistic – Richards – Gempertz and Mitcherlich. Problems in Yield

response models in single and multiple inputs – Quadratic – Square root – Mitcherlich’s response

models – single input – Quadratic and square response models for several inputs – Estimating

physical and Economic optimum.



  1. Review of basic Algebra – Matrix-Types
  2. Algebra of matrices – inverse of a matrix by adjoint method
  3. Solving simultaneous equations using matrix inverse and Cramer’s rule
  4. Leslie matrix – Simple applications in Population Dynamics.
  5. Differentiation – definition – methods of differentiation.
  6. Increasing and decreasing function-Maxima and minima of single variable
  7. Maxima and minima of several variables without constraints.
  8. Mid Semester Examination
  9. Differential equations – Formation – First order – Variable separable and Homogenous


  1. Systems – Definitions – Components of a system – Modeling approach
  2. Different kinds of models – Mathematical model – their classification and properties
  3. Simulation – Definition – Examples.
  4. Growth Models – uses in Agriculture – Linear – Stage wise – Exponential
  5. Logistic – Richards – Gempertz and Mitcherlich
  6. Yield response models in single and multiple inputs
  7. Quadratic – Square root – Mitcherlich’s response models – single input
  8. Quadratic and square response models for several inputs – Estimating physical and

Economic optimum.



  1. Problems in Algebra of matrices – inverse of a matrix by adjoint method
  2. Solving simultaneous equations using matrix inverse and Cramer’s rule.
  3. Problems in Leslie matrix – simple applications in Population Dynamics.
  4. Problems in Differentiation- methods of differentiation
  5. Problems in Partial differentiation – Increasing and decreasing function
  6. Problems in – Maxima and minima of single and several variables without constraints.
  7. Problems in Integration method of substitution, method of partial fractions
  8. Problems in Integration by parts (simple problems)
  9. Problems in First order differential equations – Variable separable – Homogenous –

Linear Differential Equations.

  1. Solving Second order differential equation with constant coefficient with RHS

nx x e and 

  1. Problems in Growth rate – Relative growth rate, Application of calculating integration in

area, volume and surface area – Estimating growth function from growth rate and relative

growth rates.

  1. Problems in Mathematical model – their classification and properties
  2. Problems in Simulation – Examples – Growth Models – Linear – Stage wise – Exponential

– Logistic – Richards – Gempertz and Mitcherlich.

  1. Problems in Yield response models in single and multiple inputs
  2. Problems in Quadratic – Square root – Mitcherlich’s response models – single input
  3. Problems in – Quadratic and square response models for several inputs.
  4. Final Practical Examination



  1. Ranganathan C.R.(2006) “A First Course in Mathematical Models of population

Growth(with MATLAB Programs)”, Associated Publishing Company, New Delhi.

  1. Batschelet Edward(2004) Introduction to Mathematics for Life sciences 5th edition,

Springer Verlog publishers.

  1. Manickavasagam Pillai, T. K and Natarajan, T. 1989. Calculus, Viswanathan

Publications, Madras.

  1. Mehta, B. C. and G. M. K. Madnani.(2005) Mathematics for Economists, Sultan Chand &

Sons, New Delhi.


