Short Course On Herbicide Resistance in Tolerant Crops and Weeds

Objective of the Course

Herbicide-resistant (HR) crops have transformed the management tactics for the control of weeds. However, in due course, the weeds also have evolved resistance to the herbicides. To address the GR weed problem, the industry is now developing new herbicide resistance traits that will expand the utility of currently available herbicides. It is critically important to recognize that these traits represent interim solutions for current weed problems and do not replace the long-term need to discover herbicides with new modes of action and to diversify weed management tactics. Dr. Mithila Jugulam, an expert in the area of herbicide resistance will train the participants on the physiological, biochemical, genetic and molecular mechanisms and inheritance of herbicide resistance in weeds. The effect of elevated temperature on herbicide efficacy and identification of sources of herbicide tolerance in crops will also be handled during the course. Dr. Mithila Jugulam is hosted by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University under Fulbright-Nehru Specialist Program administered by World Learning, an implementing partner of the U.S. Department of State and the United States – India Educational Foundation (USIEF).

Target Participants

A diverse group of participants (senior faculty, junior faculty, post-docs and PhD students from Agronomy, Crop Physiology, Breeding & Genetics and Plant Biotechnology.

Training Content

The course intends to impart theoretical knowledge blended with hands on practical training encompassing in silico identification of target molecules, GWA for SNP identification in herbicide tolerant genes.