Floriculture and Landscape Architecture

Future Strategies

    • Validation of off season flower induction technology in jasmine
    • Studies on retaining fragrance and freshness of jasmine flowers during transit/export
    • Nanotechnological approaches for packaging of jasmine flowers
    • Breeding of marigold
    • Delay in bud open techniques in nerium
    • Breeding of hibiscus
    • Photoperiod regulation in green house chrysanthemum
    • Breeding /screening of varieties for vertical farming of orchids – with less light requirement
    • Smart nutrient delivery systems need to be standardized for orchids (Hydroponics, Aeroponics, Nutrient Film Technique, Aquaponics)
    • Intergeneric and interspecific hybridization for novel hybrids
    • Standardization of agro techniques for cut foliages
    • Studies on performance of high yielding/popular varieties of cut flowers under open conditions
    • Invitro propagation studies in Adenium obesum
    • Vertical farming in orchids