Floriculture and Landscape Architecture

Completed Projects



Project Duration Funding Agency Budget

(In Lakh Rs.)

PI & CoPIs
1 Value chain on flowers for domestic and export markets 2008-2014 ICAR-NAIP 486.30 Dr. M. Jawaharlal

Dr. M. Kannan

Dr. M. Ganga

2. Blossoming and quality testing of jasmine sp. (Jasminum sambac) using electronic nose technology 2013-2015 GOI – C DAC (Kolkata)

(Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Kolkata, Min. of Communication and Information Technology, Govt. of India)


11.00 Dr. K. R. Rajadurai
3. Interspecific hybridization and grafting in jasmine for off-season flowering and flower quality 2015-2017 ICAR-Extramural Project 19.43 Dr. M. Ganga
4. Standardization of extraction procedure of biocolourants from flower crops 2015-2017 ICAR-Extramural Project 24.75 Dr. S. P. Thamaraiselvi