Fruit Crops Ongoing Projects

List of externally funded schemes

S.No. Name of the Scheme Funding Agency Duration Budget


1. “DBT’s NER-Banana programme for NE: Coimbatore centre on Tissue culture & mutation under Sub-title 2-Development of seedless Bhimkol (Musa balbisiana, BB genome) through CRISPER/Cas 9 and mutation approaches GOI-DBT: Dept. of Biotechnology (DBT),Ministry of Science & Technology, GOI, New Delhi, through North Eastern region – Biotechnology Programme Management Cell (NER-BPMC), set up by DBT, Grant sent  by Accounts Division of Biotech Consortium India Ltd (BCIL), a company of DBT through which funds are released for the NER – BPMC programmes.  


to 31.03.2021 (Three years)


36.30 lakhs

2. Establishment of DUS centre TNAU for Papaya GOI, PPV & FRA: Protection of plant varieties and Farmer’s Rights Authority (PPV&FRA), Ministry of Agri. & Farmers Welfare, GOI, New Delhi. 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019 5.50 laks
3. Exploration, characterization and utilization of under exploited fruit crops, viz., Jackfruit, Jamun and custard apple in Tamil Nadu and adjoining states (Bioversity International Scheme) Foreign – Bioversity International (CGIAR Instt): Bioversity International, a CGIAR Institute at Italy, through Bioversity International India Ofice, Regional International Project office at the college of Horticulture, UAS complex, GKVK,Bengaluru, 01.09.2017 to 31.08.2020
4. DBT’s NER – Banana programme for NE: Coimbatore centre on collection, in vitro screening, bioformulation development & transcriptome studies under Sub-project (of Group 2) – Harnessing the potential of endophytes against root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita in banana scheme operated in nematology department. GOI-DBT :Dept. of Biotechnology (DBT),Ministry of Science & Technology, GOI, New Delhi, through North Eastern region – Biotechnology Programme Management Cell (NER-BPMC), set up by DBT, Grant sent  by Accounts Division of Biotech Consortium India Ltd (BCIL), a company of DBT through which funds are released for the NER – BPMC programmes. 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2021

(Three years)

27.18 lakhs