E Advisory

Website:KVK has its own website, www.kvkdharmapuri.org, for updating its activities. The website reads the facilities, faculties activities success stories, on farm trials, front line demonstrations, downloads, awards and all other activities of the Kendra. The KVK activities are updated daily in the social network which makes the KVK to be in link with the other KVKs and with the extension functionaries. The website also has the facility to enter the farmer details which enables us to provide crop based advisories to the farmer.


Kissan Mobile advisory service :  KVK is facilitating the farmers through Kisan Mobile Advisory System. About 8500 farmers were included in the KMAS. Information on Weather based technical advice, training schedule are being disseminated through this service in both Tamil and English. Since 2013 about 350 messages were disseminated to 2,21,161 farmers through this system




Whatsapp :KVK has created a farmers group in Whatsapp ‘KVK DHARMAPURI’S FARMERS’. It facilitates for sharing of technical information, discussion and updation of recent affairs related to agriculture and allies aspects. About 189  farmers are now in this group and the members of the group are added on weekly basis based on the database updated at the KVK. On an average ten queries are answered by the scientist in this group. Apart from this the farmers share their success and technologies followed by them to the fellow farmers. It serves as platflorm to exchange the ideas among the farmers.