Farmers Feedback

Farmers Feedback

Farmers Feedbackreceived through front line demonstration conducted at KVK:

1. The farmers are interested in cultivating the ICCV 05106 variety under rainfed condition for realizing higher return. Size of the pods and seeds are bold.
2. The cost of cultivation of the hybrids is comparatively lesser than the private hybrid. Hence if the availability of the seeds is of easy access to the farmers, adaption of the institutional hybrids will be improved.
3. The availability of quality bioocntrol agents is the major constraint in adopting the bio-control based management strategy. Apart from this the weather parameters are also effects the efficacy of bio-control agents. Hence the time of application should be standardized.
4. If rains are not received during the season. The raised bed nursery technology was recommended to reduce the seed rate. The farmers were first time exposed to the SRI technology in Paddy cultivation.
5. Seed treatment with biofertilizers improved the plant growth & The grain filling and grain quality is good in introduced hybrid.
6. Farmers impressed with the performance of the introduced variety under rainfed situation

No major pest and disease incidence were noticed

7. Aphids  infestation was high in cowpea VBN 3 as the demonstration was conducted during kharif season  due to high temperature.
8. Demonstration of integrated crop management practices in groundnut reduced the cost of cultivation.
9. Pheromone traps were installed to monitor & mass trap the pink boll worm adults. The Bt and not Bt cotton seeds were mixed by the firms in the seed pockets itself hence all the farmers were sown both Bt and non Bt in the fields. No significant boll worm damage was found in the non Bt cotton.
10. CO GB (14) showed 11 % higher yield when cultivated with ICM
11. Use of blue sticky traps reduced the plant protection sprays for thrips
12. Soil application of biocontrol agents reduced the soil borne disease incidence by 12 %
13. Demonstration of integrated crop management practices in tapioca reduced the cost of plant protection.
14. The variety DHLM 36- 3 is short duration, suitable for rainfed, giving good yield under rainfed condition and the grains are  bold in nature which is preferred more in the market and hence the farmers accepted the variety.
15. Farmers opined that the seeds of the variety TBG 104 are bold and plants are bushy. Farmers reserved the seeds of blackgram variety TBG 104 for large scale cultivation under rainfed condition during kharif season for realizing higher return.
16. Farmers realized the potential of the improved varieties and also the quality of the pods fetched higher price. Since the seeds of the variety CO (GB) 14 are available year round, they felt that the adaption of the variety is easy and they can get the seeds through Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Papparapatty.


17. The farmers are interested in using the bioagents for the management of rhizome rot in turmeric. The use of chemical fungicides increases the cost of cultivation and also the required control was not achieved. Hence the use of bioagents for diseases management is accepted by the farmers.
18. The farmers are interested in cultivating the Arkakeerthiman  purple blotch tolerant in onion variety. Apart from reduced incidence of purple blotch the yield is higher than the local variety. The market preference was also good for Arkakeerthiman and Arkalalima onion.
19. The farmers are interested to adopt the modified cono weeder technology for weed management as it reduces drudgery compare to manual weeding. Now a day’s farmers are facing agricultural labour problem hence, based on this situation weeders are play a important role in the weed management.
20. If rains are received during tillering stage lodging was noticed in Co(51) variety. The excessive application of nitrogenous fertilizer is the major reason for lodging. The split application of fertilizer was recommended to avoid lodging. The farmers were first time exposed to the pheromone trap in Paddy cultivation.

Though combination of crops has been recommended as bund crop the farmers are interested to sow pulses as predominant bund crop.

21. The introduced maize hybrid attained maturity 15 days earlier than the existing private variety
22. Demonstration of integrated crop management practices in cotton reduced the cost of plant protection
23. Tomato – Use of Arkaactino plus reduced the incidence of wilt and enhanced growth. Use of pheromone traps reduced the plant protection cost to a tune of about  30 %.
24. Leaf curl virus, anthracnose and thrips damage are the major problem encountered by the chilli farmers in the Nagamarai and nearby village farmers. The insecticide combination Monocrotophos&acephate has been used by most of the farmers for the first spray. This combination encourages the mite incidence in the chilli cultivation. The proposed strategy reduced the number pesticide spray.
25. The farmers are cultivating only private varieties which are very lengthy and the market preference for the lengthy varieties is less, The Arkaprasan variety is having the characteristics of early flowering and starts  first picking of fruits during 40 – 45th day. It produces green, long, tender fruits having excellent cooking quality
26. Aphids, rust and pod borer damage are the major problem encountered by the Vegetable cow pea farmers in the Puligarai and nearby villages. The use of neem soap in the demonstration helps in reducing the pest incidence. The proposed ICM practices reduced the number of pesticide spray.
27. Betelvine – Incidence of soil borne diseases reduced upto 20 percent and the plant protection chemical cost reducd by 35 – 40 %ne
28. Chrysanthemum – The quality of flowers improved due to the use of micronutrients and reduction in incidence of thrips
29. Proper deworming, vaccination and balanced nutritious feeding along with supplementation of mineral mixture will will give positive energy for the animal. Those animals will be selected for application of this technology, treated animals were inseminated 6 hours after showing clear transparent vaginal discharge and mounting behaviour.
30. Along with home waste daily feeding of 100 gram of concentrate feed increased the weight gain, egg production and egg weight. Proper  vaccination schedule reduced the mortality
31. The somatic cell count levels increase in response to udder infection. A SCC of <5 laksh cells/ml of milk indicates a normal healthy udder tissue.This will help to screen the milk on regular basis. SCC is an indicator for the udder health. It is a unique germicidal teat protective spray for mastitis. This gel worked by preventing common mastitis causing bacteria from entering the teat canal and provides extended antimicrobial protection.
32. Fowl pox is relatively slow spreading viral infection of chicken characterized by scab like lesions on skin of the unfeathered body parts and diphtheritic membranes lining mouth or air passage. Control and prevention in chicken is accomplished by vaccination by wing web method with fowl pox vaccine at 12-16 weeks of age of birds.