
S.No Title % of adoption Change in income (Rs.)
Particulars Before  (Rs./Unit) After (Rs./Unit)
1. Application of yellow sticky traps for management of sucking pest in melons 90.0 Rs.6000/acre (for two sprays) Rs.1000/acre (for 20 sticky traps/acre)
2. Groundnut variety Dharani 65.0 18,130/ha 29,981/ha
3. ICM in Greengram Co 8 72.0 17,750/ha 26,830/ha
4. Blackgram variety VBN 8 45.0 11,550/ha 26,830/ha
5. Redgram  variety Co 8 10.0 18,130/ha 22,870/ha
6. Management of (white grub) entomopathogenic nematode in sugarcane 45.00 Rs.8000/acre (for soil application of insecticides) Rs.1000/acre (for one time application)
7. Application of fruit fly traps in cucurbits 95.00 Rs.15,000 / acre (for five sprays) Rs.5000/acre (for five traps & need based spary)
8. Application of fruit fly traps in Mango 90.00 Rs.10,000/acre/season Rs.5000/acre (traps & spray)