Soil and Water Testing

Soil and Water Testing

Soil and Water Testing

The soil and water testing laboratory was established at KVK during 2016 with the objective to motivate the farmers towards soil test based fertlizer application. The two numbers of mini soil testing kit was purchased for the soil and water analysis. The details of the soil and water samples analysed for the past two years is given below

S.No. Year No. of soil samples analysed No. of Farmers benefitted No. of water samples analysed No. of Farmers benefitted
1. 2019-20 101 84 4 4
2. 2020-21 293 281 40 37
3. 2021-22 337 335 29 27
Total 731 700 73 68

Diagnostic Visits:



No Of  Programmes Participants (No.)
Farmers Extension Personnel
Male Female Total Male Female Total
2012-13 256 1482 78 1560 126 55 181
2013-14 389 1482 678 2160 126 55 181
2014-15 190 964 181 1145 82 15 97
2015-16 234 964 181 1145 82 15 97
2016-17 263 321 15 336 41 8 49
2017-18 82 150 198 348 5 3 8
2018-19 159 350 75 425 18 8 26
Total 1573 5713 1406 7119 480 159 639