On Farm Trials


S. No

Crop / Enterprise Title of the OFT

No. of Replications

1 Rice Assessment of Rice varieties suitable for Kharif season in Kanyakumari district 5
2 Rice Assessment of suitable foliar nutrition in rice for higher productivity. 5
3 Rice Assessment of weed management practices in transplanted  low land  rice 5
4 Greengram Assessment of greengram varieties suitable for Rice fallow in Kanyakumari district 5
5 Blackgram Assessment of Blackgram varieties for Rice fallow in Kanyakumari district 5
6 Sesame Assessment of Sesame varieties suitable for cultivation in coconut garden 5
7 Coconut Assessment of INM for yield enhancement in coconut 5
8 Amaranthus Assessment of organic practices in Amaranthus varieties suitable for Kanyakumari 5
9 Chilli Assessment of biological methods for the management of soil borne diseases in chilli 5
10 Chilli Assessing the performance of micronutrient in chilli for higher yield 5
11 Tapioca Assessment of  nutrient formulation for higher productivity in Cassava 5
12 Marigold and China Aster Assessment of flower crops suitable for  cultivation in coconut garden 5
13 Cocoa Assessment of  IDM practices  for  the management of pod rot and stem canker in cocoa 5