S.No. | Crop | Problems identified | Follow up action undertaken (recommendations/ trainings/method demo./extension material supplied) |
1. | Cotton | Stem weevil damage | Basal application Neem cake @ 500kg/ha |
2. | Ground
nut |
Leaf miner | light trap@1/ha
Spraying with Profenophos@3ml/lit |
3. | Banana | Banana bunch top disease | Foliar spray with Imidacloprid 2ml/lit of water to control the vector |
4. | Poly
house |
Cucumber mosaic | Foliar spray with Imidacloprid 2ml/lit of water to control the vector |
5. | Banana | Banana Potassium deficiency | Spraying of 1% KCl solution |
6. | Rice | Rice thrips | Foliar spray with Spinosad@160ml/ha |
7. | Pulses | Green gram Spodotera damage | Phromone trap@5/ha
NSKE-5% Profenophos@3ml/lit |
8. | Rice | Sheath blight damage | Seed Treatment with TNAU Pf 1liquid formulation @ 10 ml/kg of seeds
Seedling root dipping with TNAU Pf 1liquid formulation (500 ml for one hectare seedlings) |
9. | Rice | Leaf folder damage | Spray coragen@120ml/ha |
10. | Sorghum | Smut damage | Seed treatment with Carboxin (Vitavax) @ 2g/kg or Captan/Thiram 4g/kg of seed. |
11. | Cotton | Mealy bug damage | Profenophos@3ml/lit |
12. | Maize | Cutworm problem | Awareness campaign conducted
Egg collection, Spraying with Chlorophyriphos 3ml/litre of water Setting up the light trap |
13. | Jasmine | Whitefly | Installation of yellow sticky traps @ 5/acre and Spraying with NSKE 5 % |
14. | Pulses | Sphingid | Spraying with Chlorphyriphos @ 3 ml/ litres |
15. | Paddy | Rice blast and rice leaf folder | Foliar application @ 5g/l of Beauveria bassianatwice at 15 days interval Spray any one of the following insectcides: Chlorpyriphos 20 EC 1250 ml/ha
Cartap Hydrochloride 50 % SP 1000 g/ha Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC 150 g/ha Chlorantraniliprole 0.4% G 10 kg/ha |