Feed back analysis
Major activities of KVK are evaluated periodically and feed back from the beneficiaries are obtained through group discussions, impact study, training effectiveness etc.
Activity 1: Pulses Seed Production throughNFSM Seed Hub and CFLD
Thrust area | Problem Identified | Action taken | Feedback |
Seed Production in Pulses | Farmers were cultivating conventional varieties to fulfill the needs of the family and are unaware of quality seed production | Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Madurai has laid out Green gram Co8 seed farms with farmers participation The farmers were exposed to the essentials of seed production viz., source of seeds, seed treatment, crop husbandry practices with special reference to crop nutrition, management of pest and diseases, seed registration, farm inspection, rouging, harvesting, processing and storage The implementation of seed treatment with imidachloprid, insecticide spray &installation of yellow sticky trap for whitefly monitoringto contain YMV incidence, foliar spray of TNAU Pulses wonder spray at 50% flowering, field inspection and rouging were personally monitored by KVK scientists | The awareness on the benefits of seed production were created among the farmers. 100 – 120 farmers were roped in the seed production Farmers got familiarity with the latest high yielding varieties of Black gram, VBN 6, VBN 8, MDU 1, KKM,1 and green variety CO 8 They were shorter in duration and had uniform maturity suitable for mechanical harvest The profit in seed production was 50 – 60 per cent higher than that of production of grainsoffering space for their livelihood enhancement The farmers got acquainted with the nuances of seed production |
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Activity 2: Millet production and value addition (INSIMP and SBGF scheme)
Thrust area | Problem Identified | Action taken | Feedback |
Productivity enhancement and value addition of Millets | Farmers used to grow traditional millet varieties with the conventional practices and the produce were sold immediately after the harvest for very less price in the field itself. Hence, the yield levels and the profitability were low | Two farmers’ clusters were formed with 220 millet growing farmers Trainings on improved production technologies and value addition in millets were imparted district farmers and farm women Ascertained optimum plant population trough seed drill sowing which was purchased under this scheme and handed over to the farmers’ groups Established two Millet Processing Units comprising of destoner, dehuller, pulverizer, polisher, sifter, sealer and packaging unit as a measure of motivation to become entrepreneurs Motivation of SHGs and farm women in Minor millets value addition through exposure visits | Gained knowledge and skill on improved production technologies and value addition in Millets Paved a way to become successful millet entrepreneurs in Madurai district The millet processing unit generated employment to five farm women for production of valueadded millet products and three men for sales, accounting and maintenance of machinery. Processed millets fetchedpremium pricei.e., 35 per cent increase over unprocessed grain |
Activity 3: Barnyard Millet cultivation- Successful FLD
Thrust area | Problem Identified | Action taken | Feedback |
Introduction of High yielding Millet variety with ICM | Conventional millet varieties with Traditional agricultural practices | FLDs on cultivation of barnyard millet MDU 1 were laid out in 4 ha under rainfed condition Trainings on integrated nutrient management, weed management, proper irrigation schedule, integrated pest management and harvestingwere given | Lesser duration crop (95- 100 days) which helps to evade from extreme climatic conditions at maturity More number of tillers with robust vegetative growth solving fodder crisis ICM practices influenced in increasing the yield The grain yield was 950 kg per acre with all ICM practices while it is 600 – 700 kg/ac in conventional varieties Highly preferred in view of whitish grain and amenable for value addition High milling recovery in view of bold grain size |
Activity 4: ICM for Banana
Thrust area | Problem Identified | Action taken | Feedback |
Less profit margin due to reduced yield | Lack of suitable technologies for increasing yield without deteriorating the quality of the fruits/ leaves. | Trainings on ICM for Banana with special focus on IPDM were imparted Farmers were advised to take up foliar spray with Banana special at 3rd, 5th and 7th month after planting. The technologies viz., sucker treatment, deleafing desuckering, earthingup & denaveling and application of bio control agents viz., Trichoderma, Pseudomonas and bio fertiliser like Azophos and VAM was demonstrated in the farmers’ fields. | The foliar spray recorded an average yield of 26.50 tons/hawhile it was 20.16 tons/ ha in farmers practice. Net income has increased from Rs.1,15,421/ ha to Rs.1,77,370/ ha. Benefit-Cost ratio increased from 2.34 to 3.02 There was change in the leaf production pattern and color of leaf. An additional 25 per cent income from both leaf and fruit was obtained. |
Activity 5: Mushroom cultivation
Thrust area | Problem Identified | Action taken | Feedback |
Contamination and incidence of Pest and disease | Sterilization of bedding material & chemical treatment for managing pest | Trainings on mushroom cultivation were imparted The mushroom entrepreneur was advised to go for boiling method of sterilization; application of neem oil and mixing of neem cake in the bedding material instead of chemical treatment for managing the pests Soaking of paddy straw for four hours in water and hot water treatment at 80o C for one hour Smearing of neem oil in and around the holes in the mushroom bed for pest management | There was reduction in pest infestation on Mushroom bed Able tomanage the pest syrphid fly by adopting the neem oil application and neem cake incorporation in the bedding material @ 10gm per bed. Additional income of 20 per cent was realized by improving the quality of oyster mushroom |