E Advisory

KVK website

KVK Thiruvarur has its own website with various sites for the benefits of farming community. Advisory services are provided through this website. The  Important new technologies and crop issues are regularly published through popular dailies. This Newspaper clippings are posted in the website

KVK Knowledge Network portal

The queries raised by the farmers are suggested with suitable advisory services by the KVK scientists. In addition the Newspaper clippings pertain to  the seasonal crop issues and new technologies are also uploaded for the benefits of farming community

                                                     Mobile Advisory Services

mkisan portal and Kisan Sarathi

Bulk SMS services are provided through mkisan portal and Kisan Sarathi for the registered farmers. Information related on new technologies,weather based advisories,Pest and Disease problems,Weed management, Soil health management,Varietal information, Cultural practices related  information are posted through mkisan portal and Kisan Sarathi regularly


Progressive and young farmers are used to contact the KVK through email and suitable recommendations and suggestions are provided to the needy farmers instantly

Utilization of social media

  • KVK WhatsApp group

KVK Thiruvarur whatsApp group is created and information on new technologies, marketing strategies, crop issues and other allied agriculture related queries are shared instantly

  • KVK facebook

Important events of KVK, Visuals,Popular articles, KVK News on Dailies are uploaded periodically

  • Twitter

Important events of KVK, Visuals, celebration of special days are  uploaded regularly

  • youtube

KVK Thiruvarur created 46 number of technological  youtubes for the benefits of  farming community
