Scientific Advisory Committee

Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting-06.03.2024

ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Thiruvarur District organized 13th Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting on 06.03.2024 to discuss the action plan for the ensuring year 2024-25. Dr. D. Periyar Ramasamy Programme Coordinator ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Thiruvarur District welcomed the gathering and explained the action taken on the recommendation of 12th Scientific Advisory Committee meeting held on 16.03.2023. He presented the overview of ICAR- KVK,  Thiruvarur District and its mandatory activities since last SAC. The meeting was inaugurated by Dr. A. Velayudham, Dean, Dr. M.S. Swaminathan Agriculture College and Research Institute, Tanjore who has highlighted the achievements of the KVK and motivated the scientist to work with environment. In special address Dr. K. Subramanian, Director, Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Tanjore who has highlighted the importance of green manure in soil health, new varieties of paddy and pulses.  The Joint Director of Agriculture, Th. J. Elumalai participated as special invitee. During his special address he indicated need of water hyacinth composting, alternate crops Thaladi, suitable species of fish for aquaculture, drought mitigation techniques in pulse production and certain action to be taken up by the KVK scientist for the ensuing year. Zonal Join Director of Animal Husbandry, Thiruvarur Dr. S. Swaminathan highlighted the importance of vaccination, silage making, and low cost animal feed and location specification technology is to be disseminated by KVK. The event was attended by all Line Department Official.  Publications of the scientist were released by the dignitaries during the occasion. Dr.V.Dhanushkodi, Associate Professor (SS&AC) proposed to vote of thanks.

Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting-16.03.2023

The 12th Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting of KVK, Needamangalam was held on 16.03.2023 to discuss the action plan for the ensuing year. Dr.V.Radhakrishnan, Programme Coordinator, welcomed the gathering of the meeting and explained the action taken on the recommendations of the 11 th SAC meeting conducted on 23.12.2021. He also presented the overview of ICAR-KVK and its mandatory activities since last SAC. The meeting was inaugurated by Dr. K. Subrahmaniyan, Director, TRRI, Aduthurai who has highlighted the achievements of the KVK and motivated the scientists to work with involvement. The Dean, AC & RI, Kilvelur, Dr.G.Ravi participated as special invitee. During his special address he indicated certain action to be taken up by the KVK scientists for the ensuing year. Th.M.Lakshmigandhan, Joint Director of Agriculture, Thiruvarur  highlighted some of the location specific technologies to be disseminated by KVK. The event was attended by all heads of Line departments. Publications of the scientists were released by the dignitaries during the occasion. At the end Dr.S.Kamalasundari, Associate  Professor (FSN) proposed vote of thanks.

Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting-23.12.2021

The 11th Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting of KVK, Needamangalam was held on 23.12.2021 to discuss the action plan for the ensuing year. The meeting was inaugurated by Dr.M.Jawaharlal, Director of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore who has highlighted the achievements of the KVK and motivated the scientists to work with zeal. Dr.A.Baskaran, Principal Scientist ATARI, Zone X, Hydrabad appreciated the KVK scientists for bagging three awards and suggested measures to increase number of demonstration units  at KVK. The Dean, AC & RI, Eachangkottai, Dr.A. Velayutham during his special address indicated certain action points to be taken up by the KVK scientists for the ensuing year. Dr.V.Ambethgar, Director,TRRI, Aduthurai has lauded the activities of KVK during COVID 19 situation and highlighted some of the location specific technologies to be disseminated by KVK. The event was attended by all heads of Line departments. Publications of the Scientists  were released by the dignitaries during the occasion

Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting -16.02.2021

The 10th Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting of KVK, Needamangalam was held on 16.02.2021 to discuss the action plan for the ensuing year. The meeting was inaugurated through online by Honourable Vice Chancellor of TNAU, Coimbatore Dr. N. Kumar who has highlighted the achievements of the KVK and motivated the scientists to work with zeal. He also announced a grant of Rs. Five lakhs for the development of the Northern farm of the KVK.  Dr. J.V.Prasad, the Director, ATARI, Hyderabad did highlight score of technologies disseminated by the KVK and suggested measures to improve the working of the KVK. The Dean, AC & RI, Eachangkottai, Dr.A. Velayutham during his special address indicated certain action points to be taken up by the KVK scientists for the ensuing year. Dr.M.Jawaharlal, Director of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore who presided the function has lauded the activities of KVK during COVID 19 situation and highlighted some of the location specific technologies to be disseminated by KVK. The event was attended by all heads of Line departments. Publications of the Scientists  were released by the dignitaries during the occasion


Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting -07.03.2020

The 9 th Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting of ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Needamangalam was held at KVK, Needamangalam on 07.03.2020 Dr. M.Jawaharlal, Director of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore, presided over the function. Dr. R. Rajendran, Dean, AC&RI, Thanjavur graced the occasion by his presence and valuable suggestions. Th.V.Balakrishnan, IPS, DIG of Trichy region visited KVK and participate as a special guest on that event.  Deputy Director of Agriculture, Joint Director of Animal Husbandry, District Forest officer , Deputy Director of Horticulture, District Development Manager, NABARD and other District line department officials and non official members of Scientific Advisory Committee, SHG women, entrepreneurs, Scientists of KVK were participated in the meeting Dr.M.Ramasubramanian, Programme Coordinator, welcomed the gathering of the meeting and explained the action taken on the recommendations of the 8 th SAC meeting conducted on 15.03.2019. He also presented the overview of ICAR-KVK and its mandatory activities since last SAC. During the presidential address, the Respected Director of Extension Education, appealed to SAC members to provide their valuable suggestions to be executed by ICAR-KVK for the welfare of the farmers of Thiruvarur District. All the SAC members gave their valuable suggestions for strengthening TOT activities of ICAR-KVK in the forthcoming year. A book on Rice cultivation techniques along with 7 folders covering various hitech technologies suitable for Cauvery Delta Zone were released during this programme. Exhibition  with youth new innovation and entrepreneurs also arranged.Dr. A.Anuratha, Subject Matter Specialist (SS&AC) proposed vote of thanks.


Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting -15.03.2019

The 8 th Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting of ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Needamangalam was held at KVK, Needamangalam on 15.03.2019 Dr. M.Jawaharlal, Director of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore, presided over the function. Dr. R. Rajendran, Dean, AC&RI, Thanjavur graced the occasion by his presence and valuable suggestions.Deputy Director of Agriculture, Joint Director of Animal Husbandry, District Forest officer , Deputy Director of Horticulture , District Development Manager, NABARD and other District line department officials , and non official members of Scientific Advisory Committee, SHG women, entrepreneurs, Scientists of KVK were participated in the meeting Dr.M.Ramasubramanian, Programme Coordinator, welcomed the gathering of the meeting and explained the action taken on the recommendations of the seventh SAC meeting conducted on 22.09.2016. He also presented the overview of ICAR-KVK and its mandatory activities since last SAC. During the presidential address, the Respected Director of Extension Education, appealed to SAC members to provide their valuable suggestions to be executed by ICAR-KVK for the welfare of the farmers of Thiruvarur District. He has insisted that the ICAR-KVK and line departments to work together for uplifting the socio economic conditions of farmers of Thiruvarur District and asked to utilize the services of scientists from nearby research stations for conducting trainings, campaigns and field days and advised to ensure the availability of seeds and marketing facilities while conducting FLD’s. All the SAC members gave their valuable suggestions for strengthening TOT activities of ICAR-KVK in the forthcoming year. Various publications on IFS and value addition technologies were released during this programee Dr. A.Anuratha, Subject Matter Specialist (SS&AC) proposed vote of thanks.