Front Line Demonstration (FLD)

The objective of Front Line Demonstration (FLD) is to demonstrate newly released crop production and protection technologies and its management practices in the farmer’s field to study the constraints of production, factors contributing for higher production and thereby generate production data and feed back information. FLDs are also conducted in allied fields   like Animal Science, Home Science etc. The introduction of high yielding varieties and hybrids, introduction of alternate crops, SRI techniques, Farm mechanization, vermicomposting techniques and mushroom production are some of the successful results of FLD in Thiruchirapalli District.

Demonstrations undertaken during 2024-25

  1. Demonstration of the CO 56 Rice variety for Trichy dt
  2. Demonstration of the CO 57 Rice variety with organic practices for Tiruchirappalli District
  3. Demonstration of Newly released Variety Rice CO 58
  4. Demonstration of the ADT 59 Rice variety for Trichy dt
  5. Demonstration of paddy TRY 5 in Sodic soil
  6. Demonstration of foliar application of TNAU rice bloom for Samba rice crop
  7. Demonstration of foliar application of TNAU rice reap for Kuruvai rice crop for Tiruchirappalli District
  8. Demonstration of CO 55 Paddy Seed Production (Foundation /Certified) by Farmer Participatory Mode in Trichy district
  9. Demonstration of Newly released Variety Maize VGI H(M) 2
  10. Demonstration of ICM in Maize for Trichy District
  11. Demonstration of TNAU Seed Coating Technique in blackgram for Tiruchirappalli District 2nd year
  12. Demonstration of Newly released Variety Cotton VPT 2
  13. Demonstration of Integrated nutrient management technique in Cotton
  14. Demonstration of integrated disease management against root rot in mulberry
  15. Demonstration of drought tolerant banana variety Cauvery Saba in Tiruchirappalli district
  16. Demonstration of Integrated management of sucking pest complex in chilli
  17. Demonstration of small Onion varietiy CO 6 for higher yield in Tiruchirappalli district
  18. Demonstration of Coriander variety Co-5 for higher yield in Tiruchirappalli district
  19. Demonstration of Red amarnathus CO 6 for high yield in Tiruchirappalli district
  20. Demonstration of integrated pest management for Rugose Spiralling Whitefly in Coconut
  21. Demonstration of IPM Module for jasmine bud worm and blossom midge
  22. FLD – on EDP mode Demonstration of Banana value added products for rural youth entrepreneurial development
  23. FLD – on EDP mode Demonstration of Therapeutic and functional foods from millets to promote entrepreneurship among farm women
  24. Demonstration of Nutrition Garden in Schools/Anganwadi centres to increase the food and nutrition security of the children
  25. FLD – on EDP mode Demonstration of enhancing women entrepreneurship through development of micronutrient rich health mixes
  26. Demonstration of TANUVAS smart mineral mixture for dairy cows