Vermicompost unit

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Villupuram maintains demo unit on vermicompost production for the benefit of farmers. The unit has different models viz., Cement tank, Silpauline and Ring methods. Vermicomposting technology is one of the best options available at present for the management of crop residues and other organic wastes. Vermicomposting refers to natural bioconversion of biodegradable garbage into high quality manure with the help of earthworms. Earthworms survives well in optimum pH (6-7), temperature (25-30oC) and moisture (60-75%) and high organic matter soil. Some of the species identified suitable for vermicomposting are Eisenia fetida (tiger or brandling worm), Eudrilus eugeniae (night crawler) and Perionyx excavates (Compost worm) which are prolific breeders, and maintaining a high reproduction rate under favorable condition