District Profile


1 Major farming systems/enterprises (based on the analysis made by the KVK) 

S. No Farming system/enterprise
a.) Wet land

Rice           –      Rice              –   Sesame/Pulses/Groundnut

(June – July)    (Aug – Sept)    (March – April)

Sugarcane (Dec – Jan)

b.) Garden land

Groundnut/Millets        – Groundnut     – Sesame

(June – Sept)                 (Oct –Jan)        (Feb – March)

c.) Dry land

Groundnut/Millets – Groundnut / Sesame / Pulses

(June – Sept.)                (Oct.-Jan)

d.) Other crops

Cotton, Tapioca, Brinjal, Gourds, Chillies, Watermelon, Cashew,  Casurina, Banana,  Mango,  Guava, Coconut, Tuberose, Button Rose, Crossandra, Jasmine


e.) Other enterprises

EDP-Home products, toy making, turmeric, flower crop and agro-forestry nursery, cashew processing, dairy farming, goat and sheep rearing.

2. Physical and Administrative features

Particulars Before Bifurcation After Bifurcation
Total Geographical Area (Sq. km) : 7245.91 3725.54
No. of Sub division : 4 2
No. of Blocks : 22 13
No. of Villages (Inhabited) : 1490 932
No. of Village Panchayats : 1099 693

3. Agroclimatic zone 

S. No Agro-climatic Zone Characteristics
1. North Eastern Zone
The District is situated between 8.5’ and 13.2’ of North latitude and 15’and 80.22’East longitude. The normal annual rainfall  of 1029.4 mm  is  received in 63rainy days  The north eastern  season provides  maximum amount of 601  mm rainfall in 29 rainy days followed by southwest monsoon  contributing 294 mm in  24 rainy days.
The major soil types are red loam and clay loam. Black soils are present in limited extent and coastal alluvial soils occur along the sea coast. In coastal taluks have saline and alkaline soils of about 12,000 ha. They are distributed in patches.The climate in the Zone is basically semi arid tropical. The hottest months are April-June and the cold climate prevails during December and January. The average maximum temperature varies from 19.5º C to 24.8 º C. It has a wet period of 7 months and dry period of 5 months in a year. The relative humidity is highest during the months of October- November.

The ground water is available at a depth of 12-13 mm from the ground surface in many locations (dry land areas). Therefore, it is possible to get water if necessary for tree crops during summer, for protective water supply. In the coastal areas, water logged /swampy area with saline water is seen and such areas can be properly used by suitable agro forestry programmes.

  1. Agro ecological situations
S. No Agro ecological situation Characteristics
1 North Eastern Zone
1.  Red non calcareous – Low rainfall – Low Elevation

2.   Red non calcareous – Low rainfall – Medium Elevation

3.   Red non calcareous – Medium rainfall – Low Elevation

4.   Red non calcareous – Medium rainfall –Medium Elevation

5.   Red non calcareous – High rainfall – Low Elevation

6.   Red calcareous – Low rainfall – Low Elevation

7.   Red calcareous – Low rainfall – Medium Elevation

8.   Red calcareous – Medium rainfall – Low Elevation

9.   Red calcareous – Medium rainfall –Medium Elevation

10. Red calcareous – High rainfall – Low Elevation

11. Black non calcareous – Medium rainfall – Low Elevation

12. Black non calcareous – Medium rainfall – Medium


13. Black calcareous – Low rainfall – Medium Elevation

14. Black calcareous – Medium rainfall – Low Elevation

15. Black calcareous – Medium rainfall – Medium Elevation

16.Coastal saline alkaline and swamp – Medium rainfall – Low


5. Soil type

S.No. Soil type Area (in ha)
Hills & Uplands
1 Shallow, red gravelly loam soils 20823.38
2 Shallow, red gravelly clay soils 4747.85
3 Medium deep, red gravelly clay soils 3561.07
4 Deep to very deep, red clay soils 42195.97
5 Medium deep, clay soils 46469.22
6 Medium deep, red gravelly clay soils 89779.93
7 Deep to vey deep, red loamy soils 138699.01
8 Deep, calcareous clayey soils (low lands) 123436.87
9 Very deep, Sandy soils 7752.15
10 Very deep, lateritic clayey soils 7137.11
11 Very deep, calcareous black soil 183661.52
12 Deep to very deep, black soils 19828.90
13 Rocky lands 133314.36
14 Marshy lands 6101.09


6. Block wise soil type 

S. No Name of the block Soil type Major nutrients which are deficient Micro-nutrients which are deficient
1. Melmalaiyanur Partially Red, Clay loam and Sandy loam Nitrogen, Sulphur Zinc, Iron, Silicon
2. Gingee Red and Sandy loam Nitrogen Silicon
3. Vallam Loamy and Clay loam Copper
4. Olakkur Loamy and partially Sandy loam Nitrogen
5. Marakanam Red Sand ,Sand

and Sandy loam

Nitrogen Zinc,Iron ,Silicon
6. Vanur Red,clay loam and Red sandy loam Nitrogen Silicon
7. Mailam Sandy loam Zinc,Iron
8. Vikkravandi Slightly Alluvial and loamy Nitrogen
9. Kandamangalam Loamy soil Copper
10 Koliyanur Clay loam Sulphur Copper
11 Kanai Loamy and clay loam Sulphur Copper
12 Mugaiyur Loamy and Sandy loam Nitrogen Zinc,Iron
13 T.V.Nallur Sandy belt and loamy Nitrogen Zinc,Iron

7. Weather data

Rainfall details 2017 2018 2019
Actual (mm) 1066.9 727.5 475.3
Normal (mm) 1011.6 1011.6 1018.3
% deviation 5 -28.1 -57.5
  1. Land Utilization
Particulars Area (In ha)
Total Geographical Area 722203
Forest 71697
Barren and  uncultivable land 56651
Area under non agricultural use 192766
Other cultivable land excluding fallow lands 19981
Fallow land 96486
Net area sown 341314
Total cropped area 462735
Area sown more than once 121421
  1. Area, Production and Productivity of major Agricultural crops
S. No Crop Area
Production (Metric tons) Productivity
(kg /ha)
1 Paddy 163000 744300 4566
2 Bajra 21366 62046 2904
3 Ragi 1802 3418 1897
4 Thenai 845 1014 1200
6 Varagu 149 240 1613
7 Maize 17258 143810 8333
8 Redgram 280 44 159
9 Greengram 2475 1989 804
10 Blackgram 87570 74178 847
11 Sugarcane 57000 6327000 111000
14 Groundnut 51000 133773 2623
15 Gingelly 8379 5546 662
16 Cotton 8600 16099 1872


  1. Operational land holding
    Classification of land holdings No. of holdings Area operated (ha)
    Marginal (upto 0.99 ha) 594544 194263
    Small (1.00 – 1.99 ha) 77358 106039
    Semi medium (2.00-3.99 ha) 5453 67624
    Medium (4.00 – 9.99 ha) 5,315 28805
    Large (10.00 – above) 361 5899
    Total 703031 402629
  1. Irrigated area
    Particulars Area (In ha)
    Net area irrigation by canals 754
    Net area irrigation by Tanks 24155
    Net area irrigation by Tube wells/ Bore wells 48692
    Net area irrigation by Open wells 145534
    Net area irrigation by other sources Nil
    Gross area irrigated 316050
    % of gross area irrigated to gross area sown 68
    Net area irrigated excluding supplying wells 230494
    % of net area irrigated to new area sown 67.53
    Area irrigated more than once 121421
    Irrigation intensity 1.37
  1. Livestock and Poultry population
Category of livestock Population (Nos.) Production (Nos.) Productivity
Cattle – Cross bred 671581 3693695 5.5 litres/day
Cattle – Indigenous 113685 170527 1.5 litres/day
Buffaloes 17714 38970 2.2 litres/day
Sheep 244582 3424148 14 kg/animal
Goat 400110 6401760 16 kg/animal
Pig 15218 1065260 70 kg/animal
Rabbits 4288 6432 1.5 kg/animal
Backyard Poultry (Meat) 1230856 1846284 1.5 kg/bird
Backyard Poultry (Eggs) 651154 45580780 70 eggs
Farm Poultry 1578960 3473712 2.2 kg/bird
Fish – Marine 25714 Million 845990 Million 32. 9 MT
Fish – Inland 600 2400000 2.4 MT
  1. Households
Particulars In Numbers
Total Household 658000
Rural Household 561000
BPL Household 196000


  1. Workers profile
Particulars In Numbers
Cultivators 411000
Of the above, Small/Marginal Farmers 373000
Agricultural Labours 431000
Workers engaged in Household Industries 26000
Workers engaged in Allied Agro –activities 320000
Other workers 257000
  1. Workers profile
Population 34.59  lakhs
Density per sq.km 481
Scheduled Caste 10.61 lakhs
Scheduled Tribe 0.749 lakhs
  1. Infrastructure and Support services for Agriculture
Particulars Quantity
Fertilizer/Seed/Pesticide Outlets 65 Nos.
Total N/P/K consumption 72609 MT
Pesticides consumed 7112 litres
Agriculture Tractors 4834 Nos.
Threshers/Cutters 4307 Nos.
Agriculture pumpsets 196789 Nos.
Pumpsets Energised 157899 Nos.
Agro Service Centres 22 Nos.
Soil Testing Centres 8 Nos.
Plantation nurseries 4 Nos.
Farmer’s Clubs 70 Nos.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra 1 Nos.
  1. Infrastructure for development of allied activities
Particulars Quantity (in Nos.)
Veterinary Hospital /Dispensaries 141
Disease Diagnostic Centres 1
Artificial Insemination Centres 230
Improved Fodder Farms 641
Animal Markets 2
Milk Collection Centres 465
Fisherman Societies 44
Fish seed farms 28
Slaughter houses 2
  1. Agro-Processing units
Type of Processing Activity No. of units
Food (Rice/Flour/Dal/Oil) 444
Sugarcane (Gur/Khandasri/Sugar) 7
Fruit (Pulp/Juice/Fruit drink) 1
Cotton (Ginning/Spinning/Weaving) 28