Dr.P.P.Murugan,DEE released KVK-Virudhunagar newsletter during the ICAR Foundation Day on 17.07.2023

Mr.S.Sivakumar from Thathampatti village, a farmer trained by KVK, Virudhunagar won the IARI-Innovative Farmer Award during 02.03.2023 to 04.03.2023

KVK Virudhunagar won Best Stall award in State level Farmer Mela held at AC&RI Madurai during October 14th to 16th 2022.

Signing of MoU between KVK Virudhunagar and TNIAMP Gowsiga Nathi Farmer Producer Company Limited on 11.01.2023 at TNAU,Coimbatore

ICAR-KVK-Virudhunagar-Seed Production-A Bliss from all Stakeholders

Dr.V.P. Jeyaseelan, District Collector, Virudhunagar district participated "Genetic Diversity Fair" on 13.03.2023 at KVK,Virudhunagar

Release of "Yellow Cloth bag" for input sales in 11th SAC Meeting on 24.11.2022 at KVK Virudhunagar

Director of Extension Education Dr.P.P.Murugan warm welcome honourable Vice Chancellor Dr.V.Geethalakshmi for inaugurate KVK Virudhunagar XIth SAC Meeting

Honorable Vice Chancellor of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Dr.V.Geethalakshmi inaugurated the Input sales and advisory center and azolla model demonstration unit

Honorable Vice Chancellor Dr.V.Geethalakshmi Visiting the Exhibition organized by KVK Virudhunagar

FPO Buyer -Seller Meet organised by KVK-Virudhunagar on 16.02.2023

75th Independence Day (15.08.2022) at KVK Virudhunagar

A Family from Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s(INS) Troops & Retired Military officers honored by KVK Aruppukottai

Dr.C.Raja Babu Programme Coordinator gave Special Memorandum to Honourable Director of Extension Education Dr.P.P.Murugan on 04.08.2022.

Honourable Director Inaugurated the Integrated Nursery Demonstration Unit at KVK Virudhunagar

Progressive Farmer Mr.Sivasamy felicitated by KVK virudhunagar at ICAR-Foundation Day on 16 July 2022.

Aruppukkottai Municipal Commissioner Mr.G.Ashokumar inaugurated the Help Desk at KVK Virudhunagar on 30.06.2022

KVK Virudhunagar Programme Coordinator Dr.C.Raja babu gave useful lesson about Kitchen gardening to Trainees on 30.06.2022

Five "Scientific Beekeeping" Training started by Dr.G.Srinivasan PC at KVK Virudhunagar(Jan 2022-Mar 2022)

Dr.J.Ramkumar (Agri.Ento) explained about latest techniques in Beekeeping

Live Demonstration to the Trainees at KVK Virudhunagar Demo unit

KVK-Virudhunagar celebrates World Meteorological Day on 23.03.2022

Students Cluster at KVK Virudhunagar to know about Meghdoot

Honorable Director of ATARI gave valuable suggestion for 10th SAC meeting

KVK Virudhunagar Programme Co-ordinator Dr.G.Srinivasan tells about 10th SAC Proceedings to Council Members

Special Memorandum given to honourable DEE by our PC Dr.G.Srinivasan


The overall mandate of the KVK is to develop and disseminate location specific technological modules at district level through Technology Assessment, Refinement and Demonstration and training the farmers, farm women, rural youth and extension officials and to act as Knowledge and Resource Centre for agriculture and its allied activities. Read more

News and Events

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SCHEMES 2024-25

S.No. Name of the scheme Funding agency Amount (Rs.) in Lakhs
1. ICAR KVK Main -C31LD ICAR – ATARI 261.50
2. Seed Hub – C31 ZD NFSM 150
3. CFLD on Oil Seeds (C31ALH) ICAR – ATARI 7.33
4 Advanced Multi-Centre Program (AMCP) on Honey Bee Reserch, Development and Extension in Tamil Nadu Agricultural Universiity National Bee Board 5.25
5. “Swachhata Action Plan” C-31 AIG ICAR – ATARI 0.13

Awards/rewards by KVK and staff


Recognitions &Awards/Special attainments and Achievements of Practical Importance
Recognitions & Awards (Team Award/individual
Item of Recognition Year Awarding Organization National / International / Professional; Society Individual/ collaborative


2024 State Collaborate
Special Attainments & Achievements of Practical Importance(patents, technologies, varieties, products, concepts, methodologies etc. )






Individual/ Collaborative Additional Details/Information


Farmer IARI-Innovative Farmer 2024 Individual Mr.R.Vigneshwaran got  innovative progressive  farmer  of Virudunagar district


Recognitions &Awards/Special attainments and Achievements of Practical Importance
Recognitions & Awards (Team Award/individual
Item of Recognition Year


Awarding Organization National / International / Professional; Society Individual/ collaborative

NEWS Clippings