Post Harvest Technology Completed Schemes

Completed Schemes

 The CPHT is collaborating with various national and international level organizations in conducting applied and problem solving research on priority areas. Multi-disciplinary team of this centre is associated in carrying out the need based and solution oriented projects. Some of the national and international collaborative organizations are

S.No Title of the scheme Sponsoring agency Completed     
1 Consolidation of Food Security in South India CIDA McGill University, Canada Completed
2 Establishment of quality Control Laboratory For Food & Agricultural Produces MOFPI Completed
3 Revalorizing small millets: Enhancing the food and nutritional security of women and children in rain fed regions of South Asia using under-utilized species. (CIFSRF phase-1 International Development Research Centre, Canada


4 Enhancing the productivity and value addition of millets through knowledge transfer and skill demonstrations Part –II plan scheme Completed
4.  EU 7 VEG I Trade – Microbial assessment  and safety of Fresh Produce VEG I trade Completed
5 Evaluation of quality parameters of cashew apple during processing and MAP storage MOFPI Completed
6 Development of nano sensors for food safety and security ICAR Completed
7 Enhanced preservation of fruits using nano technology IDRC-CIFSRF, Canada Completed
8 “Rapid detection and quantification of Shiga- toxin producing Escherichia coli in fresh vegetables”  MOFPI-SERB Completed
9 Study on nutrient composition of millets and ways to minimize loss during processing and value addition State Planning commission Completed
10 Scaling up of small millet post harvest and nutritious food products (CIFSRF phase-2) International Development Research Centre, Canada Completed
11 Conversion of mango fruit waste into a micronutrient fortifying agent for the development of functional foods ICAR – Extra mural funds Completed
12 Use of protective foods for the development of health foods ICAR- Common Research Platform Completed
13 Development of antimicrobial antioxidant nano packing films ICAR- Common Research Platform Completed
14 Development of cable conveyor for banana Port system Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea, Italy, Completed
15 Revitalization of Millets for nutritional security  and enhanced productivity TANII Completed
16 Value added products from Sapota University-CRP Completed
17 Extraction of Nutraceuticals from grape wastes for bio food additives University-CRP Completed
18 Development of storage system for dehulled millets University-CRP Completed
19 Design and Development of Pulsed Light (UV- C) Continuous Treatment System for Liquid Foods University -CRP Completed
20 Processing of muskmelon and its stability during storage University-


21 Shelf life enhancement in Bhendi,Brinjal,Tomato and Currey leaf through postharvest application of Enhanced freshness formulation (EFF) University-


22 Processing of fruit powder from muskmelon and its stability during storage – PI University-CRP Completed
23 Studies on evaluation of antioxidant property of Hibiscus rosasinensis genotypes and its stability in processed foods University-CRP Completed