Renewable Energy Engineering About Department

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Ecofest 2024 - International Conference on Sustainable Synergy: Navigating the Energy and Environmental Nexus on 23rd August 2024

About the Department

In 1982, Department of Agro Energy was formed by establishing an Agro Energy centre with the assistance of then Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The department was renamed as Department of Bioenergy with more support from Government of India. An University plan scheme on Strengthening of Department of Bioenergy was added during 1990. Subsequently ICAR funded schemes on Renewable Energy Sources (Solar, Wind, Biomass and Biogas) were added and MNRE funded training programme on biogas technology was initiated. During 1990, an Indo-Swedish programme on Fuel Cell Technology was started. Recently schemes funded by Indo US, ICAR, MNRE, TEDA, DST and private agencies are in progress. The major objective of this department includes supplementing or replacing the conventional energy now being used in the farming sector with renewable energy. To fall in line with ICAR, the department is now rechristened as Department of Renewable Energy Engineering from April 2019.


The mandate of the department of Renewable Energy Engineering is to carryout teaching, research and extension on renewable energy sources and to develop gadgets and devices for the stakeholders in order to meet the present energy crisis by substituting/complementing the conventional energy sources by renewable sources and to conserve the presently used fossil fuels.

UG and PG courses were offered to carry out the research and extension activities in the field of renewable energy sources. The courses offered in this department cover all aspects of renewable energy conversion, conservation and management including hands on practical experiments at Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral level.


The information about various renewable energy gadgets are taken to the end users through extension activities of this department. Various field trainings, entrepreneurship programmes, seminars, short courses etc. are being conducted to impart training to officers, unemployed graduates, field workers, Non-Governmental Organisations, industrialists and farmers.

Biogas Development and Training Centre (BDTC) funded by 100 % by MNRE is one of the training components of this department and it was started in 1982 (vide letter No. 9-7 / 82 biogas dated 23.3.1982) to popularize and develop biogas programme in southern states.  Training on biogas plant construction and maintenance aspects are organized for masons, unemployed youths, etc by this centre for every year.  Also, our BDTC is serving as nodal centre for the four Southern states.

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