Redgram BSR 1
- Released during 1986.
- Perennial bush type suitable as border crop.
- Yield: 7 kg green pods/plant; 1.5 kg seed/plant.
- Suitable for both grain and vegetable purpose.
Turmeric BSR 1
- Released during 1986.
- Selection from X-ray induced mutant population.
- Yield: 30.5 t of fresh rhizomes and 6.0 t of dried rhizomes/ha.
- Duration: 285 days.
- Attractive yellow rhizomes.
- Curcumin content: 3.8%.
Turmeric BSR 2
- Released during 1994.
- Induced mutant from Erode
- Duration: 240 – 250 days.
- Medium sized
- Resistant to scale insects.
- Attractive yellow rhizomes.
- Curcumin content: 4.1%.
Groundnut BSR 1
- Released during 1994.
- Duration: 105 days
- Seed dormancy: 21 days.
- Oil content: 49.5%
- Shelling percentage: 70.3%.
- Yield: 2845 kg/ha in kharif and 2500 kg/ha in summer.
Sorghum BSR 1
- Released during 1994.
- Suitable for rainfed and irrigated conditions.
- Duration: 105 days.
- Yield: 2500 kg/ha grain and 9800 kg/ha stover in kharif 6000 kg/ha grain and 11800 kg/ha stover during summer.
Amla BSR 1
- Released during 1995.
- Selection from Thimbam Local.
- Yield: 155 kg fruits/tree.
- Medium sized fruits (27 g)
- High in ascorbic content (610 mg/100 g).
- Highly suitable for herbal and healthcare products
Groundnut BSR 2
- Released during 2019.
- Hybrid derivative of VRI 2 x TVG 0004
- Duration: 105 – 110 days
- Yield : Rainfed : 2222 kg/ha Irrigated : 2360 kg/ha
- Oil content: 45.01%
- Shelling percentage: 70.2%.
- 100 Kernel weight : 44.0g
- Bunch type, more number of pods per plant, suitable for cultivation in all groundnut growing districts of Tamil Nadu.
- Moderate resistance to late leaf spot and rust diseases apart from pests like aphids, thrips, jassids and defoliators