Milestone Achievements
Seed production
The station is the major breeder seed producing centre in the state. Breeder seeds on rice, millets, pulses, oilseeds and vegetable crops, totally around 30 tonnes is produced annually and supplied to farmers, private seed growers and State Department of Agriculture. Besides about 150 tonnes of rice, pulses foundation/TNAU labelled seeds are produced at this station annually.
National Seed Project: Breeder Seed Production
This seed production programme was started during 1994 funded by ICAR and state government of Tamil Nadu. This programme is operating in this station with focused objective of producing high quality breeder seeds of improved varieties, parental lines of hybrids, foundation and certified seeds. The seeds produced under this project is supplied to various Agricultural Extension centres, state seed farms, state oilseed farms, private companies, farmers and colleges, Research stations and KVK’s of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
AICRP-Water Management Scheme (WMS)
All India coordinated research programme on water management is under operation since 1969. This research programme focuses mainly on developing water efficient cropping programmes in Lower Bhavani Project (LBP) command area. The major thrust areas under this scheme are given below
- To determine the water requirement, enhance water use efficiency through drip and sprinkler irrigation methods and to improve the yield of common crops and cropping system of the region.
- Evaluation of system performance and to reconciliate the supply and demand and to develop operation schedule of the selected distributory of LBP command.
- Assessment of water availability and to devise interventions for matching water supply with the integral production systems and demand
- Improving water productivity in rainfed areas with different land configurations
- Conjunctive use of ground water and canal water in the command area
- Conducting on-farm water management studies with improved technologies developed and demonstration of technologies