Agricultural Economics Completed Projects

Completed Projects

  • Climate Change and Groundwater Dynamics (SANDEE, Nepal)
  • Integrated Assessment of Climate Change (AgMIP, USA)
  • Climate Variability and Tank Irrigation Management (SPC, GoTN)
  • Regional Crop Planning  (ICAR-NIAP, New Delhi)
  • Preparation of Human Development Report (SPC, GoTN, Chennai)
  • Impact Assessment of  Watershed Development (DST,GOI, New Delhi)
  • Adapting to Climate Change in Urbanising Watersheds, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), Bangalore
  • Strategies Identification for Increasing the Production and Productivity of Small and Marginal Farmers in Tamil Nadu, (SPC, GoTN, Chennai)
  • Study on value chain analysis for pearl millet and chickpea  (ICRISAT, India)
  • Socio Economic Assessment of Cassava Cropping System and Value Chain (GOI/DBT) 
  • Developing Guidelines and Methodologies for Socio-Economic Assessment of LMOs
  • Preparation of Perspective Plans for Coimbatore District, (SPC, Chennai)
  • Strategies to Mitigate the Impact of Poor Monsoon on Agriculture, (SPC, Chennai)
  • Climate Variability and Tank Irrigation Management, (SPC, Chennai)
  • Impact Evaluation Study on Irrigation Projects, (NABARD, Mumbai)
  • Preparatory Phase Evaluation of Watershed Development (TAWDEVA, Chennai)