Ongoing Schemes

S.No Project Number and title Period Name and Designation  the project Leader Progress of work
Crop improvement      
Genetic improvement of drought resistance in Samai, Tenai and Panivaragu to evolve high yielding varieties suitable for of Tamil Nadu.
Aug, 2014 to
Jul 2019
Dr. A.Nirmalakumari, Professor (PB&G) The seeds of advanced cultures had been multiplied and dispatched to conduct MLT/ART/OFT (Completed)
Genetic improvement of finger millet, kodo millet and barnyard millet to evolve high yielding varieties suitable for rainfed conditions of Tamil Nadu.
Aug, 2015 to
Jul, 2019
Dr. A.Nirmalakumari, Professor (PB&G) In finger millet, kodo millet and barnyard millet, the advanced lines were evaluated for grain and fodder yield along with their yield attributes. The promising cultures were sent for MLT/ART/OFT to estimate their yield stability. The seeds of these advanced cultures were multiplied for large scale demonstrations. (Completed)
CPBG/ATL/PBG/BSP/2015/003 Nucleus and breeder seed production in Small millets Oct, 2015 to
Sep,  2020
Dr. A.Nirmalakumari, Professor (PB&G) Breeder seeds of varagu CO3-35kg: varagu TNAU86-300 kg and Tenai CO(Te)7-25 kg have been produced during kharif 2018.The breeder seed crops of varagu TNAU 86 and Panivaragu TNAU 202 have been harvested and processed. A total of 175 kg of breeder seeds have been dispatched for kharif 2019. (On going)
Crop management      
DCM/ATL/AGR/SMM/2015/001 Evaluation of System of Finger millet (Elusinecorocana) Intensification (SFI) for rainfed agro ecosystem of Tamil Nadu Aug 2018 to Dec, 2021



Professor and Head,

Dr. K.Sivagamy

Asst. Professor (Agron.)

Hand weeding at 15 and 30 DAS recorded higher yield and which was followed by one hand weeding at 15 DAS and mechanical weeding at 30 DAS. On going)
DCM/ATL/AGR/SMM/2015/002 – Effect of organic foliar spray on growth and yield of finger millet Feb 2015 to
June 2018

Professor and Head &

Dr. K.Sivagamy

Asst. Professor (Agron.)

Soil application of FYM with insitu incorporation of sunnhemp at 45 DAP along with 3 % panchakavya spray at 45 DAS recorded higher yield of 2661 kg/ ha and straw yield of 3714 kg / ha. Similarly, the maximum  net return (Rs. 452821/ ha) and BC ratio (2.96) (Completed).

Enhancing the productivity of Nutri-Cereals through supplemental irrigation and moisture conservation



August 2017 to May 2019












Dr.P.Parasuraman  Professor and Head,

Dr. N. Anandaraj, Associate Professor (SWC), Kovilpatti

Dr.V.Sanjivkumar, AP (SS&AC), Kovilpatti

R. Durai Singh , Professor (Agronomy), Aruppukottai

Dr. B. BhakiyathuSaliha, AP (SS&AC), Aruppukottai

The grain and straw yield did not vary among the treatments, due to sufficient rainfall received during crop growth. However crop residue mulch had marginal improvement in yield of samai and kuthiraivalli (Completed)
DCM/ATL/AGR/SMM/2016/002 – Samai based cropping system for rainfed agro ecosystem June 2016 to May 2019 Dr.K.Sivagamy

Asst.Professor (Agronomy) &


Asst.Professor (CRP)

Samai intercropped with redgram at 8: 2 row ratio recorded the highest grain yield. Whereas horsegram sown after the harvest samai performed better followed by mothbean and blackgram. (Completed)
DCM/ATL/AGR/SMM/2016/001 – Agronomic management to suit
mechanization in small millets – Tenai
June 2016 to May 2019 Dr.K.Sivagamy

AP (Agron&



Line sowing with a spacing of 30 x 10 cm long with appropriate weed management practices recorded increased growth and other yield attributes. (On going)
DCM/YTP/AGR/CAS/2016/002 – Introduction of castor as intercropping in samai in hilly areas June 2016 to May 2019 Dr.K.Sivagamy


Intercropping of samai with castor @ 10:1 row ratio with 50 % organic + 50 % inorganic nutrient management practice is performed as an efficient source of nutrient management system in improving the productivity of both samai (965 kg/ ha) and castor (676 kg /ha). (Completed)
DCM/ATL/CRP/SMM/2015/001 – Impact of foliar nutrition application on growth and yield of Kodo Millet (Paspalum scorbiculatum) under water stress condition June 2015 to

July 2017




Foliar spray of 0.5 % FeSo4 + 0.5 % Urea at active tillering and grain filling stage recorded maximum grain yield of 1597 kg / ha in vargu, which was closely followed by 1% KCl foliar spray. (Completed)
Crop Protection
CPPS/ATL/PAT/SMM/2014/001 Assessment and Management of seed borne diseases of Ragi in Tiruvannamalai District of Tamil Nadu Oct,2014 to Sep,2017 Dr.M.Rajesh,
Totally 27 seed samples of finger millets were collected from different villages at Tiruvanamalai District. The revealed that mycoflora  of Alternaria, Aspergillurflavus, A. niger, CurvulariaSp,Fusariumsp, Helminthosporiumsp,Pyriculariaoriyae were detected(Completed)