The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) had its genesis from establishment of an Agricultural School at Saidapet, Madras, Tamil Nadu, as early as 1868 and it was later relocated at Coimbatore. In 1920 it was affiliated to Madras University. TNAU assumed full responsibilities of Agricultural Education and Research and supported the State Agricultural Department by delivering research products. Till 1946, the Agricultural College and Research Institute, Coimbatore, was the only Institute for Agricultural Education for the whole of South India. In 1958, it was recognized as a Post-graduate Centre leading to Masters and Doctoral degrees. The Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai was established in 1965. These two colleges formed the nucleus of the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University while it was established in 1971. Read More…
The vision of TNAU is to promote science based agriculture and allied processes in the State of Tamil Nadu to help the farmers and agri-based industries to compete successfully in the national and international markets through its education, research and out-reach programmes.
Agricultural education through quality research, training and transfer of technology for ensuring food security, commercialization of agriculture and to improve standard of living of farming community.
To contribute; for reducing poverty and ushering-in an Era of prosperity in the rural areas through agricultural education, research and extension programme: to enhance food security; to commercialize agriculture to meet industrial and export demand, to conserve and rehabilitate the natural resource base for agriculture, to address issues relating to climate change and environment and to benefit agricultural producers and other stake-holders in Tamil Nadu, through education, research and training manpower in agricultural sector.