All Indian Coordinated Research Project

Project-1: Drudgery Reducing Farm Technologies for Gender Equity

Project-2: Ergonomics for work improvement and gender equity in agro-enterprises

External Funded Projects

  • An impact of the transfer of low cost technologies for improving the sanitation and  water management practices of rural households
  • A pragmatic approach to improve the occupational health and safety assessment of women workers in selected micro enterprises (Young Scientist Scheme)
  • Ergonomic interventions to promote occupational health and safety among workers employed in smal scale dyeing and printing units
  • Occupational health hazards of women workers employed in call centres
  • Empowerment and capacity building of self help group women through establishing Agro Processing Centre(APC)
  • Promoting occupational health and safety of women workers employed in small scale seafood processing units
  • Drudgery reducing technologies for tribal families in Sirumalai Hills of Dindigul district
  • Designing safe and ergo friendly kitchen for elderly
  • Study on Phytochemical and antioxidant properties of wild fruits and development of value added products
  • Ergonomic Interventions to promote Occupational Health and Safety of Women Workers employed in Small Scale Food Processing Units
  • Mitigating occupational drudgery of farm women through ergonomic interventions