PG Courses-Department of Sericulture

Course Outcomes (CO) – PG

M.Sc. (Sericulture)

SER 601 Mulberry Crop Production Technology 2+1
Out come
CO1 Climatic requirements and constraints and propagation


CO2 Soil fertility, fertilizer recommendation, integrated nutrient management and organic farming
CO3 Water requirement and management
CO4 Chawki garden maintenance
CO5 Training and pruning
CO6 Harvesting methods of mulberry leaves
CO7 Leaf quality concept and assessment
CO8 Sericulture in integrated farming system
CO9 Resource management in mulberry crop production
CO10 Machineries in sericulture
SER 602 Techniques of Mulberry and Silkworm Breeding 2+1
Out come
CO1 Mulberry genotypes and species diversity
CO2 Mulberry breeding programmes
CO3 Breeding for tree types
CO4 Mutation breeding and methods
CO5 Handling of vegetative propagated materials
CO6 Concepts and principles of silkworm genetics
CO7 Inbreeding techniques
CO8 Selection for single trait and multi traits
CO9 Mitosis, meiosis and cytological studies with mulberry
CO10 Characterization descriptors for different life stages of Bombyxmori
SER 603 Silkworm Biology 1+1
Out come
CO1 Silkworm integument, moulting process and voltinism and Body regions
CO2 Male and female genitalia in silk moths
CO3 Morphology and anatomy of eggs of silkworm
CO4 Diapause and physiology of diapause
CO5 Stages of development in diapausing and non diapausing eggs
CO6 Principles underlying breaking diapause and cold storage
CO7 Structure and function of silk gland
CO8 composition of amino acids in silk gland and silk fibre
CO9 Bio synthesis of silk and chemistry of fibroin, sericin and P25
CO10 Role of food supplementation: vitamins, proteins, minerals and sugars on silk yield
SER 604 Silkworm Nutrition 1+1
Out come
CO1 Insect nutrition, principles, qualitative and quantitative
CO2 Physical features and quality of mulberry leaves
CO3 Nutritional composition of mulberry leaves
CO4 Feeding physiology of silkworm
CO5 Sensory receptors in food selection
CO6 Co-factors for silkworm feeding
CO7 Requirement of water,  vitamins, growth factors , minerals and antibiotics
CO8 Intestinal flora of silkworm
CO9 Antiviral properties of gut juice
CO10 nutrient management through food supplementation
SER 605 Silkworm Pests and their management 1+1
Out come
CO1 Pests of silkworm
CO2 Uzifly: distribution, taxonomy and nomenclature of Exorista
CO3 Extent of damage and alternate hosts
CO4 Management of uzifly
CO5 Biological methods  and Hyper parasitoids of uzifly
CO6 Mass production of uzi fly hyper parasitoids and their release techniques
CO7 Non – insect pests of silkworm
CO8 Life cycle and morphology of mites
CO9 Pests of grainage
CO10 Integrated management
SER 606 Diseases of silkworm and their management 2+1
Out come
CO1 Insect pathology, history, concepts and definition
CO2 kinds of infection, classification of diseases  and non-infectious diseases
CO3 Nutritional and genetic diseases
CO4 Classification of insect viruses
CO5 Baculoviridae(BmNPV) and causes for out break
CO6 Management methods for BmNPV
CO7 Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis(BmCPV)
CO8 Management of Bm CPV
CO9 Flacherie diseases and its management
CO10 Protozoan diseases of silkworm and its management
SER 607 Bioresources Management in Sericulture 2+1
Out come
CO1 Ecological requirements for silkworm rearing
CO2 Strategizing rearing schedule
CO3 Innovative techniques in silkworm rearing
CO4 Physiological requirements of young silkworms
CO5 Role of phytoecdysones
CO6 Recycling of sericulture resources
CO7 Utilization of mulberry
CO8 Composting techniques for sericulture waste
CO9 Utilization Generation of cut cocoon
CO10 Cocoon crafts
SER 608 Silk Reeling Technology 1+1
Out come
CO1 Physical and commercial characters of cocoon
CO2 Cocoon testing, defective cocoons, Cocoon deflossing and Cocoon drying / stifling
CO3 Cooking – Brushing – Re-reeling
CO4 Reeling machines: Charka, Cottage basin, Multiend reeling machine and Automatic Reeling machines
CO5 Reeling water
CO6 Qualities, standard for reeling water, different water treatment


CO7 Properties and reeling process of non-mulberry cocoons
CO8 Spun silk production technology
CO9 Silk testing and grading
CO10 Advanced raw silk testing machines
SER 609 Principles of Mulberry and Castor Crop Protection 2+1
Out come
CO1 Insect ecology
CO2 Role of biotic factors and  Abiotic factors on insect population
CO3 Outbreak of pests
CO4 Pest monitoring, pest surveillance and forecasting
CO5 Pest management and Components of pest management
CO6 Quarantine, Insecticides Act, Phytosanitary certificate, Pest legislation and Seed act
CO7 Host plant resistance: types and mechanisms, ecological and genetic


CO8 Plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses ,phytoplasma and phanerogamic parasites
CO9 Economic importance of plant parasitic nematodes
CO10 Integrated management
SER 610 Non-Mulberry Sericulture 1+1
Out come
CO1 Status of Vanyasilk industry, History andtTypes of non-mulberry silks
CO2 Eri culture: food plants of Samiacynthiaricini–– distribution, cultivation and  management practices
CO3 Pests and diseases of S. riciniand theirmanagement
CO4 Tasar culture
CO5 Voltinism, distribution, Food plants cultivation
CO6 Morphology of Tasar – Rearing practices of A. mylitta
CO7 Pests and diseases of A. mylittaand theirmanagement
CO8 Muga culture
CO9 Biodiversity of muga fauna, Primary host plants of muga, som and

soalu cultivation

CO10 Post cocoon technologies for eri and tasar silk
SER 611 Techniques of Seed Cocoon and Egg Production 2+1
Out come
CO1 Silkworm seed cocoon, Status, importance, production techniques
CO2 Parent seed cocoon production
CO3 Role of nutrition and environment
CO4 Seed organization
CO5 Seed areas, seed rearers, Seed Acts and licensing procedures
CO6 Morphology of silkworm eggs – Bombyx, Eri, Tasar and Muga
CO7 Ideal grainage
CO8 Pre ovipositionbehaviour
CO9 Loose egg production
CO10 Economics of silkworm egg production